• Dr. Mohammed Shabbir P Senior consultant and incharge of MICU, Motherhood hospital, Sharjapura road, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Deepmala Consultant obstetrician and gynecologist, Motherhood hospital, Sharjapura road, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Shabeena Anjum 3. Senior registrar, department of OBG, Motherhood hospital, Sharjapura road, Bangalore.
Keywords: pregnancy, Psychogenic Diarrhea, Anxiety, Antibiotics


A 34 years old female with G4, P1, L1, and A2 with 34 weeks of gestation presented to us with a history of diarrhea for the past 15 days, initially she was having 10 to 15 episodes a day now reduce to 4 to 5 episodes per day. Treated by her gynecologist and Medical Gastroenterologist for the same with antibiotics I.V. fluids without any improvement. When presented to us patient was vitally stable without any signs of dehydration. When revisited the history she was psychologically not prepared for this pregnancy and didn't want to have this baby and was very anxious about her upcoming event of delivery. With her background in evaluation and treatment and present psychological status, she was diagnosed to have Psychogenic Diarrhea. Psychiatric counseling was done and was put on anti-anxiety agents. She recovered.


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How to Cite
P MS, Deepmala, Anjum S. PSYCHOGENIC DIARRHEA: A CASE REPORT. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Aug.10 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(4):546-7. Available from:
Case Report