Instructions to Author

To download the Instructions to Author by Medico Research Chronicles: Click Here

Authorship Criteria for Manuscript Submission

When determining authorship, valuable contributions to the following three components are considered:

1. Concept and design of the study, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
2. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
3. Final approval of the version to be published.

Participation solely in fundraising or data collection does not qualify for authorship. General supervision by the research community is not sufficient for authorship. Each author must have actively contributed to the work and take legal responsibility for relevant portions of the manuscript. The order of authors should reflect their potential influence on the analysis and writing of the paper. Once the order is determined, it cannot be changed without written permission from all stakeholders. The journal encourages including as many authors as appropriate based on the manuscript type, nature, and number of organizations involved.

Contribution Details

Authors should specify their individual contributions to the manuscript. This may include concept development, study design, data interpretation, literature review, clinical trials, research methodologies, data collection, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing, and other relevant contributions.

Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of the manuscript or any entity or product mentioned in the manuscript that is relevant to the work presented. Authors should also report conflicts of interest with items in the manuscript that may interact with those listed.

Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted online through our website at [Insert Website Link]. First-time users need to register on the platform, which is a free and secure process. Registered authors can track their submissions using their login details.

Medico Research Chronicles does not charge any fees for manuscript submission and processing. If you encounter any issues, please submit your manuscript via email to

Please note that all communication and transactions related to manuscript submission should be conducted in English for clarity and convenience.

Submissions Not in Compliance with Instructions to Authors

Manuscripts that do not adhere to the "Instructions to Authors" will be returned to the authors for substantive corrections before proceeding to editorial or peer review. It is important to follow the guidelines outlined to ensure a smooth and efficient review process.

Separate File Submission

Typically, the manuscript should be submitted as two separate files. This ensures proper organization and facilitates the review process. Please ensure that your submission complies with this requirement.

We appreciate your attention to detail and adherence to the submission guidelines. Following the instructions will help expedite the review process and increase the chances of your manuscript being accepted for publication. Please make sure to submit your manuscript in English for clarity and effective communication.:

Submission Guidelines:

To ensure a smooth and efficient review process, please follow the submission guidelines outlined below:

[1] Title Page/First Page File/Covering Letter:
- Include the following details:
- Type of manuscript (original article, case study, summary article, letter to editor, photos, etc.)
- Manuscript title and running title
- Names of all authors/contributors along with their highest academic degrees, appointments, and affiliations
- Names of departments and/or organizations to which the work should be credited
- Complete number of pages, total number of images, and word counts for description and text (excluding references, tables, and summary)
- Source(s) of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, etc.
- Acknowledgements, if any, including general help, technical assistance, and financial/material assistance
- Details of any presentation of the manuscript at a meeting, including organization, place, and date
- Statement regarding any submissions or previous reports that might be considered redundant publication
- Registration number and registry information for clinical trials
- Conflicts of interest of each author/contributor
- Criteria for inclusion in the authors'/contributors' list
- Statement of approval by all authors and their belief in the manuscript's honest work
- Contact information of the corresponding author

[2] Blinded Article File:
- Submit the main content of the article from Abstract to References (including tables)
- Ensure the file does not contain any reference or acknowledgment of authors or institutions
- Page headers/running title can include the title but not the names of authors
- Manuscripts not in compliance with the blinding policy will be returned

[3] Images:
- Submit good quality color images
- Each image should be less than 2 MB in size
- Resize the images to a maximum of 1600 x 1200 pixels or 5-6 inches to reduce the size
- Submit images as jpeg files
- Include legends for the figures/images at the end of the article file

Please ensure that your manuscript is submitted in .doc/.docx (MS Word) format, and that all tables and figures are correctly numbered with corresponding legends. For any further assistance or clarification, please contact us. We appreciate your adherence to these guidelines. Please make sure to submit your content in English for clarity and effective communication.

[4] Contributors' / Copyright Transfer Form:

To complete the submission process, please follow these instructions for the contributors' / copyright transfer form:

- Download the provided template of the form.
- Print the form and have all members sign it.
- Scan the completed form as an image.
- Submit the scanned image of the form within two weeks of filing via courier, fax, or email.
- Along with the revised paper submission, send ready-to-print hard copies of the images (one set) or digital images to the journal office.
- For high-resolution images, submit them by email, ensuring that each image is no larger than 5 MB.

Please ensure that all signatures are included on the form, and submit the scanned image as instructed within the specified timeframe. Contributors’ form / copyright transfer form can be submitted online through an email to . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the Copyright Agreement Form

Preparation of Manuscripts:

To ensure compliance with the standards set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the specific requirements of Medico Research Chronicles, please follow the guidelines below:

Language of Manuscript:

- Manuscripts should be written in American English.


Authors/contributors are responsible for obtaining permissions to reproduce any copyrighted material. Include a copy of the obtained permission(s) along with the manuscript. Additionally, include copies of any published articles or manuscripts related to the submitted work that are in preparation or have been submitted elsewhere.

Types of Manuscripts:

1. Original articles:
- Include randomized controlled trials, intervention tests, screening and diagnostic test studies, outcome studies, cost-effectiveness research, high response rate case-control studies, and surveys.
- Structure: Abstract, Key-words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Tables, and Figure legends.
- Word limit: Up to 3000 words (excluding abstracts, references, and tables).

- State the purpose of the study or observation and provide a summary of the rationale.

Materials and Methods:
- Include the following aspects:
- Ethics: Specify whether the procedures followed were in accordance with ethical standards, such as those outlined in the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (revised in 2000).
- For studies involving human participants, mention approval from the appropriate Ethics Committee or Review Board, informed consent from adult participants, and assent for children over 7 years old.
- Maintain confidentiality of subjects and avoid disclosing personal identifying information.
- For experiments involving animals, indicate adherence to institutional or national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.

- Provide evidence of approval by a local Ethics Committee for both human and animal studies when requested. Clearly state the use of anaesthetics and analgesics in animal experiments.
- Ensure ethical standards are in line with the CPCSEA guidelines for animal studies and the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki for studies involving human participants. The journal will not consider ethically unacceptable articles. Include a statement on ethics committee permission and ethical practices in the "Materials and Methods" section of all research articles.

Study Design:

Selection and Description of Participants:
- Clearly describe how participants were selected for the observational or experimental study, whether they were patients or laboratory animals, and include information about the control group if applicable.
- Provide eligibility criteria and exclusion criteria for participant selection.
- Describe the source population from which the participants were drawn.

Technical Information:
- Identify the methods, apparatus, and procedures used in sufficient detail for replication by other researchers.
- For apparatus, provide the manufacturer's name and address in parentheses.
- Refer to established methods and statistical techniques using appropriate references.
- Briefly describe methods that have been published but may not be well known.
- For new or modified methods, explain the rationale for their use and evaluate any limitations.
- Clearly identify all drugs and chemicals used, including their generic names, doses, and routes of administration.

Reports of randomized clinical trials should present information on all major study elements, including the protocol, assignment of interventions (methods of randomization, concealment of allocation to treatment groups), and the method of masking (blinding), based on the CONSORT Statement (

Reporting Guidelines for Specific Study Designs


Type of Study



Randomized controlled trials


Studies of diagnostic accuracy


Systematic reviews and meta-analyses



Observational studies in epidemiology


Meta-analyses of observational studies in epidemiology



- Whenever possible, evaluate and present results with appropriate measures of measurement error or uncertainty, such as confidence intervals.
- Document any observational losses or dropouts from a clinical trial in the Results section.
- Describe the statistical methods used to analyze the data when presenting results.
- Avoid using technical terms in statistics in a non-technical manner, and provide definitions for statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols.
- Specify the computer software used for data analysis.
- Present mean differences in continuous variables, proportions in categorical variables, and relative risks (including odds ratios and hazard ratios) with their corresponding confidence intervals.
- Include the exact P value rather than using terms like "less than 0.05" or "less than 0.001."


- Organize and present the results in a logical sequence, giving priority to the main or most important findings.
- Avoid repeating all the data from tables or illustrations in the text; instead, emphasize or summarize the key observations.
- Supplemental or technical details can be included in an appendix or published in the electronic version of the journal without interrupting the flow of the main text.
- When presenting data, provide both numerical results (including absolute numbers) and derived values (such as percentages).
- Define the statistical methods used to evaluate the data.
- Use tables and figures only when necessary to support the paper's argument or illustrate key points.
- Consider using graphs instead of repetitive multi-entry tables.
- Analyze the data by relevant factors such as age and sex.


- Provide a summary of the key findings, including primary and secondary outcome measures and their implications.
- Discuss the strengths and limitations of the study, including details about the research question, study design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
- Interpret and discuss the implications of the findings in the context of the existing evidence base, including references to systematic reviews if available.
- Address any controversies or conflicting evidence raised by the study.
- Suggest future research directions, including potential collaborations, underlying mechanisms, and clinical research opportunities.

Avoid repeating detailed data or information already presented in the Introduction or Results sections. It is important not to make statements regarding economic benefits and costs unless the manuscript includes relevant economic data and analyses. Refrain from claiming priority or alluding to work that is incomplete. If necessary, new hypotheses can be stated, but they should be clearly labeled as such. Including around 30 references is appropriate.

Review Articles:

Review articles provide an extensive analysis of a specific topic by experts in the field. The manuscript should include a concise description of the contributor's research in the subject area. The word count should be within 3000 words (excluding tables, references, and abstract). The article can have approximately 90 references. A 250-word unstructured abstract should accurately summarize the article. The section titles will vary based on the reviewed topic. Authors should include a section explaining the methods used to gather, select, extract, and synthesize data, which should also be summarized in the abstract.

Case Reports:

Case reports focus on unique, interesting, and rare cases that present diagnostic or therapeutic challenges, providing valuable learning points for readers. Cases with clinical significance or implications are given priority. The communication should be up to 1000 words (excluding abstract and references) and follow the order of headings: Abstract (unstructured), Key-words, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, References, Tables, and Legends. Up to 10 references can be included.

Letter to the Editor:

Letters to the Editor should be brief and contain concise observations. They are preferably related to previously published articles or express views on topics covered in the journal. They should not present preliminary observations requiring further validation in a subsequent paper. The letter can have up to 500 words and 5 references. Generally, it should be authored by no more than four individuals.

Other Articles:

Editorials, Guest Editorials, Commentaries, and Opinions are welcomed by the editorial board. These articles provide insights, analysis, and opinions on relevant topics in the field.


References should be numbered consecutively in the order of their first mention in the text, tables, and legends. Use Arabic numerals in superscript with square brackets following the punctuation marks to identify references. If a reference is cited only in a table or figure legend, it should be numbered based on the sequence established by its first identification in the text. Follow the style examples below, which are based on the formats used by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in Index Medicus. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus style, except for non-indexed journals, for which the complete name should be used. Avoid citing abstracts as references. For unpublished manuscripts, cite them in the text as "unpublished observations" with written permission from the source. Personal communications should be cited sparingly and only if they provide essential information not available from a public source. In such cases, include the name of the person and the date of communication in parentheses in the text.

Here are examples of commonly cited reference types. For other types of references, please refer to the guidelines provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Articles in Journals

  1. Standard journal article (for up to six authors): Parija S C, Ravinder PT, Shariff M. Detection of hydatid antigen in the fluid samples from hydatid cysts by co-agglutination. Trans. R.Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg.1996; 90:255–256.
  2. Standard journal article (for more than six authors): List the first six contributors followed by et al. Jain V, Jain B, Tiwari P, Saini J, Jain UK, Pandey RS et al., Nanosolvated microtubule-modulating chemotherapeutics: a case-to-case study. Anti-cancer drugs. 2013 Apr 1;24(4):327-36.
  3. Volume with supplement: Otranto D, Capelli G, Genchi C: Changing distribution patterns of canine vector borne diseases in Italy: leishmaniosis vs. dirofilariosis.Parasites & Vectors 2009; Suppl 1:S2.

Books and Other Monographs

  1. Personal author(s): Rowlands TE, Haine LS. Acute limb ischaemia. In: Donnelly R, London NJM, editors. ABC of arterial and venous disease. 2nd ed. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing; 2009. p. 123-140.
  2. Editor(s), compiler(s) as author: rooks A, Mahoney P, Rowlands B, editors. ABC of tubes, drains, lines and frames. Malden, Mass.: BMJ Books, Blackwell Pub.; 2008.
  3. Chapter in a book: Nesheim M C. Ascariasis and human nutrition. In Ascariasis and its prevention and control, D. W. T. Crompton, M. C. Nesbemi, and Z. S. Pawlowski (eds.). Taylor and Francis,London, U.K.1989, pp. 87–100.

Electronic Sources as reference

Chapters from electronic book: Darwin C. On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life [Internet]. London: John Murray; 1859. Chapter 5, Laws of variation. [cited 2010 Apr 22]. Available from:

Electronic book from a full text database: Macdonald S. editor. Maye’s midwifery 14th ed. [eBook]. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall; 2011 [cited 2012 Aug 26]. Available from: Ebrary. Journal article on the Internet: Parija SC, Khairnar K. Detection of excretory Entamoeba histolytica DNA in the urine, and detection of E. histolytica DNA and lectin antigen in the liver abscess pus for the diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess .BMC Microbiology 2007, 7:41.doi:10.1186/1471-2180-7-41.

Information obtained from No Author

A guide for women with early breast cancer. Sydney: National Breast Cancer; 2003.

1. Tables should be self-explanatory, without duplicating descriptive content.
2. Limit the number of columns to 10 and rows to 25.
3. Number columns sequentially in Arabic numerals based on their first mention in the text, and provide a brief description for each.
4. Place explanatory information in footnotes, not in the table heading.
5. Explain any non-standard abbreviations used in the table in footnotes.
6. Obtain necessary approval and provide proper credit in the footnote for tables that are borrowed, adapted, or updated from other sources.
7. Include tables with their legends after the references at the end of the document. Cite the tables in the correct position in the text, along with their corresponding numbers.

Illustrations (Figures):
1. Upload images in JPEG format, with a file size below 1024 kb.
2. Number figures sequentially based on their order of citation in the document.
3. Use simple and uniform labels, numbers, and symbols that are legible after reduction in size.
4. Ensure that symbols, lines, or letters in photomicrographs contrast with the background and are clearly labeled.
5. Place titles and detailed explanations in the legends for illustrations, not on the illustrations themselves.
6. Provide the numerical data for graphs, scattergrams, or histograms submitted as figures.
7. Trim photographs and figures to remove unwanted areas.
8. Obtain written permission to use photographs of individuals, if applicable.
9. If a figure has been previously published, acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder. Include a credit line in the legend for such figures.
10. Write legends for illustrations with double spacing, limiting the text to a maximum of 40 words (excluding the credit line). Use Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. Clarify any lines, arrows, numbers, or letters used in the drawings.
11. Explain the internal scale (magnification) and describe the staining process for photomicrographs.
12. For final figures in print production, provide sharp, glossy, un-mounted, color photographic prints with dimensions of 4 inches (height) by 6 inches (width). Digital printouts are not acceptable, but if digital images are the only source, ensure a minimum resolution of 300 dpi or 1800 x 1600 pixels in TIFF format.
13. The journal reserves the right to crop, rotate, reduce, or enlarge photographs to an acceptable size.

Protection of Patients' Rights to Privacy:
1. Do not release identifying information in written reports, photos, scans, etc., unless vital for medical reasons and with informed consent from the patient (or parent/guardian).
2. Remove patient names from figures unless informed consent has been obtained.
3. Adhere to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
4. Authors must obtain written consent from patients and ensure proper preservation of the consent documents.
5. If patient photographs or summaries reveal patient identity, include a statement about obtaining informed patient consent.

Sending a Revised Manuscript:
1. Submit the revised manuscript electronically in a format similar to the original submission.
2. Include the referees' comments and provide a point-to-point explanation within the updated file itself.
3. Mark modifications in the article as underscored or with colored highlighted text.

Reprints and Proofs:
1. The journal does not provide free printed reprints.
2. Authors have the option to purchase reprints, and payment should be made when submitting the proofs.

Publication Schedule:
1. Accepted articles are published on the journal's website immediately.
2. The journal follows a 'Continuous Publication' schedule.
3. Articles are compiled for bimonthly print-on-demand issues.
4. There are no charges for manuscript submission and processing.
5. However, Article Maintenance Charges (AMC) apply for online article maintenance, submission to repositories, indexing management, DOI subscription, language optimization, etc.
6. Authors are encouraged to visit the Article Maintenance Charges section of the journal before publication.

1. The entire contents of Medico Research Chronicles are protected by Indian and international copyrights.
2. The journal grants users a free, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to the published work.
3. Users are granted a license to copy, use, distribute, perform, and display the work publicly, as well as create derivative works in any digital medium, for reasonable non-commercial purposes.
4. Proper attribution of authorship and ownership of the rights must be provided.
5. Users are permitted to make a small number of printed copies for personal non-commercial use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.


Covering Letter:

The covering letter should include the following:

1. Signed by all contributors.
2. Previous publication or presentations related to the manuscript should be mentioned.
3. Source of funding should be disclosed.
4. Any conflicts of interest should be disclosed.


1. Last names and given names of all authors should be provided, including middle name initials where applicable.
2. Corresponding author should be clearly identified, with an email address provided.
3. The number of contributors should adhere to the instructions provided.
4. The identity of the authors should not be revealed within the paper, except on the title page. This includes avoiding the use of author names in the Methods section (using the name of the institute instead), referring to the study as 'our study,' excluding author names on figure labels, and avoiding the inclusion of the institute's name in photographs, among other instances.

Formatting Instructions:

1. Double spacing should be used throughout the manuscript.
2. Margins should be set at 2.5 cm from all four sides.
3. Page numbers should be included at the bottom of each page.
4. The title page should contain all the necessary information.
5. A running title should be provided, limited to 50 characters.
6. The abstract page should include the full title of the manuscript.
7. An abstract should be provided, with structured abstracts of 250 words for original articles and unstructured abstracts of about 150 words for all other manuscripts (excluding letters to the Editor).
8. Three or more keywords should be provided.
9. The introduction should be concise, consisting of 75-100 words.
10. Headings should be in title case (not all capitals).
11. References cited in the text should be placed after punctuation marks, in superscript with square brackets.
12. Ensure that the references follow the journal's instructions and check for proper punctuation.
13. Submit the article file without 'Track Changes' enabled.

Linguistic Instructions:

1. Use uniformly American English throughout the manuscript.
2. Write out the full term for each abbreviation at its first use in the title, abstract, keywords, and text, unless it is a standard unit of measure.
3. Spell out numerals from one to ten.
4. Spell out numerals at the beginning of sentences.
5. Thoroughly check the manuscript for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.
6. If a brand name is mentioned, provide the manufacturer's name and address (city and state/country).
7. Species names should be italicized.

Tables and Figures:

1. Avoid duplicating data in tables, graphs, and text.
2. Provide the actual numbers from which graphs are drawn.
3. Ensure that figures are necessary and of good quality, including color if applicable.
4. Use Arabic numerals for table and figure numbers (not Roman numerals).
5. Attach labels to the back of photographs instead of writing names on them.
6. Provide figure legends, limited to no more than 40 words.
7. Maintain patients' privacy and obtain permission if necessary.
8. Include a credit note for any borrowed figures or tables.
9. Spell out the full term for each abbreviation used in the table as a footnote.