• Dr. Ravi Sehrawat Senior Resident, Department of Pharmacology, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi
  • Dr. Poonam Malik Demonstrator, Department of Prosthodontics, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences (PGIDS), Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana
  • Dr. Manu Rathee Senior Professor and Head of Department, Department of Prosthodontics, Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences (PGIDS), Pt. B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana
  • Dr. Bhawandeep Kaur Reader, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, Genesis Institute Of Dental Sciences & Research, Ferozpur, Punjab
Keywords: Cleft palate, hard palate, soft palate, compete denture


The oral rehabilitation of lip and palate patients is challenging and many of these patients are suffering if they don’t receive sufficient dental treatment. Several techniques, including orthodontic appliances, surgeries, advanced prosthodontic rehabilitation, and alveolar bone grafts have been proposed for the oral rehabilitation of these patients. There are still some difficulties in the prosthetic rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients with conventional prostheses or implant-retained prostheses because of insufficient alveolar bone quality and quantity, inadequate soft tissue, and abutment teeth. This paper is an attempt to review the systematic approach in the management of cleft lip and palate patients.


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How to Cite
Sehrawat R, Malik P, Rathee M, Kaur B. REHABILITATION OF CLEFT LIP AND PALATE PATIENTS WITH A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH . Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Sep.19 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(5):572-8. Available from:
Review Article