• Sijal Fadhil Farhood Makki Community Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Babylon Medical College-Babylon
  • Hadeel Fadhil Farhood Community Medicine, Department of Community Medicine, Babylon Medical College-Babylon
Keywords: diarrhea, Rota vaccine, infants


Background: The importance of diarrhea in infants in Babylon Province in Central Iraq cannot be underestimated as it is a serious impediment to the health and development of children in this resource-strained region of the country. Locally diarrhea is a major cause of attendance at health facilities, remains at the forefront of causes of admission to many of the hospitals in the province, and a significant and often preventable cause of death. Local beliefs in the Middle East about causes of diarrhea in infants are different from country to country and from culture to culture and this no more true than in Babylon Province.

Aim of the study: 1-To analyze the socio-demographic factors related to the first attack of diarrhea in infants less than 1 year in Babylon Province. 2- To outline the main local beliefs of mothers and caregivers about the possible causes of such an attack.

Patients and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Babylon Province, Iraq. It was carried on 400 infants attending primary health care centers and pediatric clinics for vaccination or for routine follow up, during the period from the first of May 2014 to the first of May 2015.

Results and conclusions: In Babylon Province, the first attack of diarrhea infants tends to occur early in life prior to 6 months of age despite the fact that close to three-quarters of affected infants were in schedule with the Rota Vaccine timetable. A staggering 94% of affected infants were not fed naturally, reflecting the declining rates of natural feeding in the Province. One-third of the study population was born with a weight less than 2500g and over half were born via Caesarean section. Mothers of affected infants tend to be mostly rural, teenaged, and poorly educated.


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How to Cite
Makki SFF, Farhood HF. SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC DETERMINANTS OF THE FIRST ATTACK OF DIARRHEA IN INFANTS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Sep.25 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(5):583-96. Available from:
Original Research Article