• Laila R. Abdel-Salam Department of Histology, Faculty of Dentistry, Benghazi University, Libya
  • Fatma Alzahraa Hussein Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University
  • Moukhtar H. Gad Department of Cytology and Histology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University
  • Abdel-Raouf A. A. Khattal Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Benghazi University, Libya
  • Wail A. Elhawari Department of Histology, Faculty of Dentistry, Benghazi University, Libya
  • Abeer H. Amer Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Benghazi University, Libya
  • DS Sheriff Department of Biochemistry, Melmaruvathur Adhi Parasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Melmaruvathur, Chennai, India
Keywords: epithelium, light microscope, scanning microscope, tracheobronchial, Camelus dromedaries


This study aims to elucidate the light and ultrastructure morphology of the epithelial lining of the tracheobronchial tree of the camel. Using both light and scanning electron microscope. The basic histology of the air-conducting portions of the camel's respiratory tract was similar to that of other mam¬malian species. The surface morphology of the trachea, extra- and intrapulmonary bronchi was the same. They were lined by respiratory epithelium. The tracheal epithelium exhibited some features along its course. There was a general craniocaudal decrease in the numbers of goblet cells along the trachea and bronchi. In parallel with this, the number of subepithelial glands was also decreased with decreasing airway caliber. Histochemically, the goblet cells were described to be predominantly acidic in character as they revealed strong alcianophilia. Neutral mucosubstances were rarely observed in these cells. The subepithelial adenomeres produced pre¬dominantly mixed mucosubstances. Intrapulmonary bronchi were formed of pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells. The ciliated and basal cells were the most numerous cell types. As the caliber of the airway diminished, the columnar cells became shorter with sparse goblet cells. The brush cells were seen more often in the proximal bronchi. With a Scanning electron microscope (SEM), the mucosa of the bronchi had regular longitudinal folds with transverse furrows in-between. The majority of the cells appeared as ciliated columnar carrying abundant long cilia. Goblet cells were seen bulging into the lumen, each with a dome-shaped apical end. All bronchioles had the same basic structure. The mucosawasformed mainly of columnar ciliated cells. The cilia were found to decrease in length, thickness, and number distally. Both the basal and the goblet cells were also scarce or absent in the bronchiolar epithelium. The brush cells were rarely found between the bronchiolar epithelium. Clara cells were more frequently encountered in the lining of the bronchiolar tree. With SEM, the bronchioles were easily identified since they had a wall uninterrupted by alveoli. The mucosa showed a scalloped appear¬ance. The epithelium of large bronchioles was usually ciliated low columnar with few non-ciliated Clara cells. In smaller bronchioles, the ciliated cells were arranged in small patches between the non-ciliated cells. The ter¬minal bronchioles were lined by both cuboidal ciliated and Clara cells. With SEM, the ciliated cells predominated in their proximal portions. More distally, the ciliated cells were replaced by the Clara cells. They were characterized by their dome-shaped apical protrusions. The initial portions of respiratory bronchiole showed reduced ciliated and Clara cells. Towards the alveolar ducts, the lining cells were replaced by flat epithelium and the Clara cells disappeared.


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How to Cite
Abdel-Salam LR, Hussein FA, Gad MH, Khattal A-RAA, Elhawari WA, Amer AH, Sheriff D. LIGHT AND SCANNING MICROSCOPIC STUDIES ON THE TRACHEOBRONCHIAL EPITHELIUM OF THE ONE-HUMPED CAMEL (CAMELUS DROMEDARIUS). Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Oct.18 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(5):649-86. Available from:
Original Research Article