• Nnoli Martin A. University of Calabar/Teaching hospital Calabar, Calabar, Cross-River State, Nigeria
  • Chukwuegbo Cornelius University of Calabar/Teaching hospital Calabar, Calabar, Cross-River State, Nigeria
  • Jegede Olushola University of Calabar/Teaching hospital Calabar, Calabar, Cross-River State, Nigeria
  • Nwabuko Collins University of Calabar/Teaching hospital Calabar, Calabar, Cross-River State, Nigeria
Keywords: Suspected poisoned, cardiovascular death, autopsy


Aim: To determine the causes of sudden deaths while asleep and in motion (activity).

Materials & Method: Two cases of middle aged male Negroid adults were autopsied and analyzed in the department of anatomic pathology for the cause of sudden death at rest and in activity-while eating.

Results: They were both found to be class 1(one) and 3(three) obsessed with estimated BMI’s of 43.5kg/m2 and 50.6kg/m2 respectively. The major features were on the cardiovascular as both had a massive cardiomegaly of 900 gm/500gms respectively. ( Normal for normal adult male of 75kg weight:300-350gms). This feature was compromised with other lesions like florid arteriomatous plaques.

Conclusion: We found to our opinion that both died of hypertensive cardiovascular diseases following long standing hypertension though with good management but lack of compliance on the patients side.


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How to Cite
Nnoli Martin A., Chukwuegbo Cornelius, Jegede Olushola, Nwabuko Collins. SUSPICIUOS BUT SUDDEN CARDIOVASCULAR DEATHS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(1):59-3. Available from:
Original Research Article