• Dr Ravi Chauhan Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India
  • Dr N. G. Raut Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India
  • Dr S. S. Pendke Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India
  • Dr Sandesh Sonarkhan Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India
  • Dr Satish Solanke Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India
  • Dr Anup Mondal Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India
Keywords: Visual outcome, penetrating keratoplasty, Graft Failure


Blindness due to corneal scarring is one of the leading causes of treatable blindness. Full thickness penetrating keratoplasty is still considered to be the most acceptable surgical method, keeping this in mind and with the Purpose To study visual outcome after penetrating keratoplasty and to evaluate intra and post operative complications and to study the various factors which influences the graft survival. In our study we have operated 32 eyes of 32 patients and they were studied over 24 month’s period. Patient with all types of corneal opacity, Keratoconus and Failed corneal transplant were considered for optical keratoplasty. At the end of 24 months we found that Out of 32 patient’s male to female ratio was 2.2:1.Mean age was 47 ±12 years. Most common indication was corneal scar (43.75) most common preoperative risk factor for graft failure was vascularised recipient cornea (28.12%). Good quality graft (2+) had better survival rate (83.33%) and better visual prognosis (81.8%).Small graft size had better survival rate (78.57%) Young donor below 50 years of age, graft survival rate was 87%.Most common intraoperative complication was suture related difficulties (28.12%). Postoperative corneal graft edema was commonest complication (57%) Total 34.36% of patients gained vision ≥ 6/24. 37.5% patients between 4/60-6/60. Total graft survival rate was 71.87%.Total corneal graft failure rate was 28.13%.Conclusions: Full thickness Penetrating Keratoplasty gives satisfactory visual outcome .Pre-operative evaluation of donor corneas & recipient eyes is important. Post operative follow up is recommended.


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How to Cite
Dr Ravi Chauhan, Dr N. G. Raut, Dr S. S. Pendke, Dr Sandesh Sonarkhan, Dr Satish Solanke, Dr Anup Mondal. RESULTS OF PENETRATING KERATOPLASTY IN TERTIARY CARE CENTRE. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2020Jul.28 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(1):82-0. Available from:
Original Research Article