• Dr. Sudhir Sudhakar Pendke M.S. (Ophthalmology), Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nagpur, India
  • Dr. Ravi Atmaram Chauhan M.S. (Ophthalmology), Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nagpur, India
  • Dr. Sachin Omprakash Agrawal M.S. (Ophthalmology), Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nagpur, India
  • Dr. Chaitali Nandkishor Bhavsar M.S. (Ophthalmology), Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nagpur, India
  • Dr. Sanchit Satish Bhalgat M.B.B.S., Diploma in Ophthalmology, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nagpur, India
Keywords: WHO- world health organization, SICS- small incision cataract surgery, PCposterior capsule


Objective: Analysis of visual outcome in various methods of cataract surgery as per WHO guidelines at a tertiary care centre Design: A Hospital based study on 824 eyes of 824 patients with senile cataract without comorbid ocular or systemic conditions who gave consent.

Materials: Manual SICS with sclerocorneal incision, Manual SICS with Clear Corneal Incision and Phacoemulsification were performed by multiple Ophthalmic Surgeons. Patients were followed up on Days 1, 7, 15 and Months 1, 3, 6 and 12.

Results: Manual small incision cataract surgery with clear corneal tunnel was performed in majority of cases. Out of 824 patients, 781 came for 8 week follow up after surgery. Out of 781 cases, good visual outcome seen in 86.43% patients which meet WHO guidelines. Intraoperative complications (8.25%) were the major cause affecting visual outcome. Intraoperative complications occurred in total 77 (9.8%) patients which short falls of the maximum limit of 10% as per WHO guidelines. Posterior Capsule Rent 30 patient (3.64%) is most common intraoperative complication followed by PC rent with vitreous loss 26 (3.32%). Rate of both complications is well below the maximum limit of 5% as per guidelines given by WHO.

Conclusion: Visual outcome of cataract surgery at our tertiary care hospital fairly meets the WHO guidelines. Intraoperative complications and retained lens material are important causes of low visual outcome at our hospital. This study shows that scope of improvement at our hospital lies in reducing intraoperative & postoperative complications and their management 


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How to Cite
Dr. Sudhir Sudhakar Pendke, Dr. Ravi Atmaram Chauhan, Dr. Sachin Omprakash Agrawal, Dr. Chaitali Nandkishor Bhavsar, Dr. Sanchit Satish Bhalgat. VISUAL OUTCOMES IN CATARACT SURGERY. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2016Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(02):214-31. Available from:
Original Research Article