• Dr. Nisha Kaul Professor of anatomy, Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, india
Keywords: Brachialgia, Coraco Clavicular Joint, dry clavicle, radiograph of chest and shoulder/ CT scan Chest, Delhi NCR region


Introduction: The human pectoral girdle has been found to have rarely an anomalous plain synovial joint called Coraco clavicular joint; besides three conventional anatomical articulations. It is a rare articulation between conoid tubercle of clavicle and superior surface of the horizontal part of the coracoid process of the scapula.

Aim: The aim of our study is to find the prevalence of entity ‘the coraco clavicular joint’ in Delhi and NCR region to understand the pathogenesis and correlate our findings with various conditions of unknown etiology like arm & shoulder joint pain, features of brachial plexus compression, thoracic outlet syndrome and painful restricted arm movements, thereby providing appropriate medical and surgical treatment.

Material and Method: The study was conducted on dried human clavicles (150 in number) and radio graphs of chest and shoulder joint (AP view) /CT Scan Chest of adult humans (300 in numbers) for evidences of presence of coraco clavicular joints.

Results: 16% of the dried clavicles and 14.6% of radiographs/ CT Scan Chest showed evidence of the presence of coraco clavicular joint.

Discussion & Conclusion: The presence of coraco clavicular articulation was detected in early 1861. Various factors leading to the Ccj formation include occupational stresses, old age changes, genetic factors, congenital presence of the joint and primary pathological changes in coracoid process of scapula and conoid tubercle of clavicle. Most of the times, Ccj is asymptomatic, being diagnosed incidentally or it may be symptomatic presenting in various forms. Hence Ccj entity finds an important place in differential diagnosis of arm pain and associated conditions.


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1. Our osteological study on clavicle shows a higher incidence of presence of Ccj amongst the population of Delhi and NCR which correlates with the observations made by Kaur & Jeet in North West Indian Population & a study in chillian population. This is in contrast to the observation made by foreign authors where the incidences found to be much lower. The studies on radiographs have also shown a higher incidence of Ccj in India (Asia) as compared to western population.
2. Our observations further emphasis the role of ethnic and genetic factors in pathogenesis of Ccj.
3. Ccj must be included amongst the first few conditions in differential diagnosis of brachialgia’s, painful arc syndrome, thoracic inlet syndrome, and restricted
shoulder joint movements of unknown origin.
4. CT scan and MRI are the two important diagnostic tools for reaching at correct diagnosis of both asymptomatic and symptomatic coraco clavicular articulations.
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How to Cite
Dr. Nisha Kaul. AN EVALUATION OF THE PREVALANCE OF CORACO CLAVICULAR JOINT IN HUMANS BY OSTEOLOGICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL STUDIES IN DELHI AND NCR REGION. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2016Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.28];3(03):250-61. Available from:
Original Research Article