• Martin Nnoli University of Calabar/Teaching hospital, Dept of Pathology, Calabar
  • Theophilus Ugbem University of Calabar/Teaching hospital, Dept of Pathology, Calabar
  • Chinenye Nnoli University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Dept of Paediatrics, Uyo
Keywords: Drowning, Severe Pulmonary oedema, Asphyxia, autopsy


Aim & Objectives: To determine the number of deaths following drowning with emphasis on gender, age and possible season of the year that is most vulnerable.

Materials & Method: A total of sixteen (16) bodies of drowned bodies were autopsied in the department of pathology of university of calabar teaching hospital (ucth) from 2007-2015. The cases range from children to adults in a different circumstances and sites of drowning ranging from swimming pool to deep sea (ocean). The age also ranges from 32 weeks to 55 years.

Results: Out of the sixteen cases, twelve were male and the rest four are females giving a ratio of 3:1. The 32 weeks infant male was from a pregnant woman. Most if not all died of severe pulmonary oedema, asphyxia and a few soft tissue injuries; and fracture of the skull.


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How to Cite
Martin Nnoli, Theophilus Ugbem, Chinenye Nnoli. DEATHS FOLLOWING DROWNING IN CALABAR, NIGERIA FROM 2007-2015. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2016Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(04):317-23. Available from:
Case Report