• Evangelos C. Fradelos RMHN, MSc, PhD (c), Psychiatric Hospital of Attica “Daphne”, Athens, Greece
  • Michael Kourakos RMHN, PhD, Director of Nursing, General Hospital Asklepieio, Athens, Greece
  • Olga Velentza RMHN, MSc, Aigenition University Hospital, Athens, Greece
  • Tzannis Polykandriotis RMHN, MSc, Psychiatric Hospital of Attica “Daphne”, Athens, Greece
  • Ioanna V. Papathanasiou RN, MSc, PhD, Assistant Professor of Community Psychiatry Nursing, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Keywords: Internet addiction, problematic internet use, mental health nursing practice, internet addiction treatment, children and adolescences health


Internet addiction in young age is an emerging topic gaining researchers interested worldwide. Despite the progress that has been made in prevention, diagnosis and treatment in this disorder the field is wide and unexplored when it comes in mental health nursing practice. The effects that internet addiction may have in individuals life’s are shown the social, professional as well as in academic level. Moreover the effects that long hours screen exposure may have in physical health, the excessive participation of children and adolescents in online gaming and social networking sites as well as the emergence of a new type of anti-social behaviors expressed by harassment, bullying, cyber crime and online suicides are a new research field in digital age. Considering the globalization and the complexity of internet addiction mental health nurses must establish an effective program for the management of the addiction as well as the daily problems that such condition raises. Within the clinical context of mental health, nurses can have an effective role not only in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of internet addiction but in the prevention of that phenomenon as well.


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How to Cite
Evangelos C. Fradelos, Michael Kourakos, Olga Velentza, Tzannis Polykandriotis, Ioanna V. Papathanasiou. INTERNET ADDICTION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: ETIOLOGY, SIGNS OF RECOGNITION AND IMPLICATIONS IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING PRACTICE. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2016Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(04):364-72. Available from:
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