• Shambel Wedajo MPH, Lecturer, Public Health Department, College of Medicine & Health Sciences, Wollo University, Dessie-Ethiopia.
  • Sisay sitote BSc, Clinical Nurse, Wollo University student clinic, Dessie, Ethiopia
  • Mengesha Beley MSc, Lecturer, Dilla university, Ethiopia
  • Prof (Dr.) P. Surender Reddy PhD (Reproductive Health & Population Studies)
Keywords: Blood Donation, Life Saving Practice, Health Care Workers


Introduction: Even though blood donation is life saving practice, in Ethiopia current blood supply is far less compared to the demand and it is based on family based blood donation which disfavor most critical patients. So that, ensuring adequate blood supply would be vital for the patient as well as health care system.

Objective: To assess blood donation practice and associated factors among healthcare workers in public health facility of Dessie town, North East Ethiopia.

Methods: Institutional based cross sectional study in 270 health workers with systematic random sampling method by using self administers questions. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression were use to identify significant predictor factors for blood donation practice and presented with AOR and P value.

Result: Out of 270 sample health professionals, 86(31.9%) and 47(53.4%) had ever donated blood in their life time and the last one year period respectively. Of those ever donors, 24(27.9%) were donate one time in their life and the main reason for donation was voluntary (53.4%). Similarly, the main reason for not donation was fear of side effect or discomfort after donation (64.13%). Knowing once blood group type [AOR: 5.03(1.814-3.95)], knowing the amount of blood volume at each donation [AOR: 1.83; (1.27-3.472)], know the minimum weight to donate blood [AOR: 2.0; (1.052-3.813)] and Time spent for blood donation were positively statically significant variables for ever blood donation practice.

Conclusion and Recommendation: There is low level of blood donation practice as compared to its lifesaving importance and national demand. So the ministry of health or other responsible organizations should work on changing knowledge and attitude of health professionals since they should be a role model for the community.


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How to Cite
Shambel Wedajo, Sisay sitote, Mengesha Beley, Prof (Dr.) P. Surender Reddy. BLOOD DONATION PRACTICE AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG HEALTHCARE WORKERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITY OF DESSIE TOWN, NORTH EAST ETHIOPIA, 2016. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(06):486-97. Available from:
Original Research Article