• Dr. Lakshmi Rathna Markani Nice hospital of women, children & newborns at Shanthinagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Dr. Reshma Nice hospital of women, children & newborns at Shanthinagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Dr. Nidhi Saluja Nice hospital of women, children & newborns at Shanthinagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Keywords: Endometrioses, Cesarean section, postoperative complications, Treatment outcome



1. To See the incidence of scar endometrioma in our gynaec outpatient clinic.

2. To identify the clinical pattern of the disease.

3. Incidence of symptomatic relief post resection.

4. Post resection need for medical therapy.

Design and Setting:- Retrospective descriptive study of the etiology and prospective analysis of scar endometriosis and symptoms on pain scale, at Nice hospital of women, children & newborns at Shanthinagar Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

Methods: - Data from the medical records of patients from OPD Clinics and IP Records during Jan 2013 to Oct 2016 with pre operative diagnosis of scar endometrioma who underwent surgery between 2013 to 2016 were survey and reviewed .Current data of confirmation of diagnosis by High-Resolution Ultrasound Scan and MRI and histopathological examination of respected mass. The main information surveyed was age, obstetric antecedents, symptoms, tumor location, size& palpation, duration of complaint, diagnosis, and treatment. All underwent tumor excision with a safety margin.

Results: - There were 6 patients , a mean age 30.1+ 5.0yrs plus or minus (Range 18-40 yrs) 100% located in and around cesarean scars. The main symptom was localized cyclical pain (80- 100%) of mean duration 20-24 months , the interval between LSCS and onset of Scar Endometrioma was between 3yrs to 7yrs. Surgical treatment was successful in all cases.

Conclusion: - This is an uncommon disease. Most important a diagnostic criterion is a Cyclical pain at the local site during menstruation. Patient undergoing cesarean section is at the greatest risk. The surgical treatment of choice is excision of the endometrioma with a safety margin. Post-operatively medical therapy given in all cases. The patient is followed up every 6 months to assess any recurrence.


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How to Cite
Dr. Lakshmi Rathna Markani, Dr. Reshma, Dr. Nidhi Saluja. SCAR ENDOMETRIOMA FOLLOWING CAESAREAN SURGERY ANALYSIS OF 6 CASES. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Feb.28 [cited 2025Mar.31];4(01):40-7. Available from:
Original Research Article