• Mariam Zia Master of Physiotherapy in Neurological and Psychosomatic Disorders, The Oxford College of Physiotherapy. Department of Neurology, The Oxford College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, India
  • Prof. C. Prabhu Principal, Head of the Department of Neurological and Psychosomatic Disorders, The Oxford College of Physiotherapy. Department of Neurology, The Oxford College of Physiotherapy, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Stroke Rehabilitation, Hand Rehabilitation, Modified Object Training


Background: Stroke is of growing concern to health care providers worldwide especially developing countries due to the numerous predominant risk factors. Stroke patients often have compromised hand dexterity of at least one side and the hand is an integral component to accomplishing routine activities. Exercises provided to stroke patients usually are not specific to improving hand dexterity and enhancing ADL execution. Various measures like the ARAT scale and MAL can be used to assess hand function post stroke.

Objective: The objective of this study is to check the efficacy of modifications in the objects of daily use, how it enhances upper limb recovery in stroke patients.

Study design: Pre test post test control design.

Method: A total of 16 stroke patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were considered for the study and allocated into groups. Group A = EX and MOT (n=8) and Group B = EX (n=8). Treatment was administered over a period of 3 weeks. Pre test and post test ARAT and MAL scores were recorded.

Results: Both the groups showed improvement in hand function but there was no statistically significant difference between the groups on analysis.

Conclusion: General rehabilitation and training with modified objects of daily used were both beneficial to the patients. Modifications to the objects of daily use however improved the individual’s ability to perform the activity more than general exercises did.


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How to Cite
Mariam Zia, Prof. C. Prabhu. EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT AND MODIFICATION OF OBJECTS OF DAILY USE ON HAND RECOVERY IN STROKE PATIENTS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(01):91-102. Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/220
Original Research Article