• Luciana Teodora Rotaru Elaborated at University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Department of Emergency Medicine and First Aid, ED - SMURD County Clinical Hospital Craiova, Petru Rares St. No. 4, zip code 200642, Craiova, Dolj County, Romania
Keywords: Incident Command System, burns, mass casualty incidents, red plan, white plan, medical evacuation


Background: Massive fire events are the most challenging emergency situation, testing rapid response, efficiency, and resilience of the emergency medical systems.

The purpose of the study: We aimed to identify the key points of incident command system and golden standards of emergency management in scenes of massive fire with mass victims involvement. Materials and methods -observational analysis of a series of 33 events and simulation of mass burned casualty in three different regions from Romania.

Conclusions: Incident Command System is crucial to assist simultaneously a massive number of severe injured casualty’s, having three golden tasks: scene assessment and security, search and rescue and medical chain set up. The white plan of the hospitals has to be set up immediately. For fire incidents in town buildings with inhabitants, the median time for the maximum influx of victims to the hospitals is about 25-39’, all victims being in hospitals in about 1 h. Dispatch center may be a keystone of the intervention success, through the correct and prompt decision of red plan triggering, hospitals alert, chief emergency director involvement, networking maintaining with different structures. The red plan of pre-hospital intervention have to be started with maximal resources alert from the first emergency call, and all the subsequent information will be taken as soon is possible. The exact number of casualty s cannot be estimated accurately, so the emergency team has to be prepared for the worst case scenario. All these aspects must become specific educational objectives of training programs in crisis management.


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How to Cite
Luciana Teodora Rotaru. KEY POINTS AND GOLDEN STANDARDS FOR MASS BURNED EVENTS PREPAREDNESS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(02):175-83. Available from:
Original Research Article