• Dr. Sanjoy Chowdhury Joint Director (Medical and Health Services), Head of Ophthalmology, Bokaro General Hospital, Steel Authority of India Limited
  • Dr.Priyanka DNB Resident, Bokaro General Hospital, Steel Authority of India Limited
  • Dr. Sneha Kumari DNB Resident, Bokaro General Hospital, Steel Authority of India Limited
  • Dr Nilanjan Chowdhury Intern , Bokaro General Hospital, Steel Authority of India Limited
Keywords: Injury, Eye injury, Ocular Trauma


Background: Changing profile of work force can give rise different types of injuries

Purpose: To analyze causative factors (Host-Agent-Event) in ocular trauma over last 15 years

Methods: Hospital based prospective study during 1997-2012.Detailed information on nature of trauma; agent and setting were recorded.

Results: Cohort included 12365 eye injuries, 1241 serious cases. Prevalence - 0.45 /10000 Mean age 45.8 with bi- modal pattern of incidence, 3:1 male –female ratio.80% closed globe, 48% workplace injury (90% in marginal laborers with an exponential annual increase).10% cases from garage mechanics.60% of eye injuries in female were related to “social violence”. Multivariate analysis has detected new causative agents.

Conclusion: Significant change in parameters of trauma (Host-Agent-Event) is resulting in paradigm shift in eye injury. Unorganized unaccustomed labor in workplace injury and “social trauma” in females has become an important cause of eye injury.


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How to Cite
Dr. Sanjoy Chowdhury, Dr.Priyanka, Dr. Sneha Kumari, Dr Nilanjan Chowdhury. CHANGING PARADIGM IN OCULAR TRAUMA OVER 15 YEARS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.26];4(03):310-24. Available from:
Original Research Article