• Dr. S. S. Subramanian The Principal, Sree Balaji College of Physiotherapy, Chennai, India
Keywords: YLD – Years Lived with Disability, MSD – Musculoskeletal Disorder, QOL – Quality of Life, LBA – Low backache, OA – Osteoarthritis


Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are a group of disorders that affect the structures including the nerves, tendons, muscles, joints and inter vertebral disc. MSD could result in pain, injury, illness poor quality of life and reduced productivity. These disorders were equally prevalence among rural population. Aims & objectives of this original research was to analyses the prevalence of MSD among rural population of Kanchipuram district southern India. Also, to lay the importance of strengthening tertiary heath care in rural India.

Methods: Community health screening and treatment by physician, physiotherapist and pharmacist were conducted once a month during the period from October 2016 to January 2017. 600 subjects identified with MSD were evaluated and treated. Home programme was taught to them. Various MSD such as low backache, osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, shoulder and other ailments were recorded and treated with physiotherapy specific therapy for MSD. Their level of literacy, occupation tobacco and alcohol habits were recorded and analyzed.

Results: 62% female subjects have MSD, 31% have osteoarthritis, 26% low backache and 66% of the subjects were between 30-60 years. 18% of the participants were above 60 years. While 53% of male subjects had low backache, female participants had 58% with osteoarthritis knee, 51% with shoulder and 68% with neck ailments related to MSD.

Conclusions: The findings of the study points at strengthening of our rural health care system, for musculoskeletal disorder prevention and management. Primary health care in India needs to be re- evaluated and immediately reformed. Concrete steps to be taken for effective rural health care planning and delivery so as we can collectively develop with our fellow rural brother.


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How to Cite
Dr. S. S. Subramanian. MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS AMONG RURAL POPULATION IN SOUTH INDIA – CROSS SECTIONAL ANALYSIS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.26];4(03):338-45. Available from:
Original Research Article