• Ashfaq Ul Hassa Assistant Professor and Head Anatomy, SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
  • Dr Manmeet Kaur Tutor Anatomy, SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
  • Dr Sajad Hamid Assistant Professor, SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
  • Dr Rohul Afza Lecturer SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
  • Dr Mubeen Rashid Tutor SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
  • Dr Uzma Tutor SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
  • Dr Nowsheeba Khurshid Tutor Anatomy, SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
Keywords: Radiographic, Histology, Embryology, Osteology, Board, Power point, Models, Microscopy


The Concept of Teaching has undergone a lot of change in recent times. Teaching of Anatomy as a subject has also undergone a lot of change. Few years ago the concept of Black board teaching dominated. With the advent of Newer Teaching methods, Use of Improvised Technology, Availability of Dummies, Models, Slide Projectors, DVDS, 3D Animations and simulators and smart Boards, many Doctors have resorted to use of Newer Techniques. The Satisfaction levels of teaching by different modalities differ and is different in case of different teachers. We have tried to have the Perspective from Experts in Anatomy as to what modality they prefer for different subtopics. In the same Context The Faculty and the staff of our College in which Each teacher was asked about the three most effective methods of teaching different modalities based on their experience and expertise. The staff participated in filling the Questionnaire. The observations were noted.


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How to Cite
Ashfaq Ul Hassa, Dr Manmeet Kaur, Dr Sajad Hamid, Dr Rohul Afza, Dr Mubeen Rashid, Dr Uzma, Dr Nowsheeba Khurshid. BEST MODALITIES OF TEACHING ANATOMY: TEACHER BASED ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT MODALITIES OF TEACHING IN SKIMS MEDICAL COLLEGE BEMINA, SRINAGAR. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.26];4(03):346-51. Available from:
Original Research Article