• Mohammed Jud Mohammed MPH, Health Supply Chain Field Support Officer, Afar Regional Health Bureau, Ethiopia
  • Yesuf Ebrahim Mohammed MPH, MPHM, Lecturer, Dept. of Public Health, College Medical & Health Sciences, Samara University, Ethiopia
  • Dr.P. Surender Reddy PhD, Professor. Dept. of Public Health, College Medical & Health Sciences, Samara University, Ethiopia
Keywords: Institutional delivery, Afambo District, Afar, Ethiopia


Introduction: Institutional delivery service utilization is very low, even among the community who has access to the health institutions including Ethiopia, especially, in Afar Region. Since there is no recent study done in the area, this study aimed at searching useful information that prevent women to give birth in health institutions.

Objective: To assess the level of institutional delivery service utilization and associated factors among women who gave birth in the past two years in Afambo District, Afar Region, Ethiopia-2016

Methods: Community based cross-sectional study was conducted with 519 mothers who delivered in the past two years by using Simple random sampling with structured questionnaire. Numerous predictors were investigated for their associations with the outcome variable using bivaraite and multivariate logistic regression analysis, to identify the factors affecting institutional delivery service utilization

Conclusions: Institutional delivery service utilization was very low (22.4%) in the study area. Educational level of mothers, wealth status of mothers, Ante-Natal Care (ANC) utilization status of mothers including satisfaction of mothers on the services were significantly associated statistically and identified as determinant factors for institutional delivery service utilization, which needs to be addressed through properly designed interventions.


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How to Cite
Mohammed Jud Mohammed, Yesuf Ebrahim Mohammed, Dr.P. Surender Reddy. INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERY SERVICE UTILIZATION AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS AMONG MOTHERS IN AFAMBO DISTRICT, AFAR, ETHIOPIA - 2016. COMMUNITYBASED CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(04):363-79. Available from:
Original Research Article