• Dr. Mohammed Iliyas Sheikh Professor and Head, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education & Research (SMIMER), Surat (Gujarat) India
Keywords: Modernization, arranged homicide, suicide, family burden, psychological disturbances, poisoning


The million-dollar question always rises when in this era of modernization, the human life as well as its surrounding atmosphere does not suit to live life comfortably. This is a bitter truth that human being never satisfied with what we have and we try to get more and more. We are not satisfied with our resource that’s why we are planning to establish satellite stations and continuously in the search of new land in the universe as well as planning to develop residential plans on the moon and other places in the universe. Modernization is carried out to make the human life comfortable and make a person to live life in whatever way he thinks so. To enjoy life every person is doing his/her efforts to his maximum capability, by working day and night in his work place, doing extra time job, investing money in property, mutual funds as well as in shares. With all possible efforts, his/her life could not be so comfortable or because of various investments there may be burden of loans after word, he/she unable to live his life as enjoyable as he/she wants to enjoy. These all may result in mental, economical and social instability and may result in homicidal / suicidal tendency.

Context: suicidal deaths are increasing now a day. The center is receiving many cases every day for medicolegal postmortem examination either death of individual or death in group. This makes me to have the study on these groups because such type of study has not been carried out commonly.

Aims: looking in to the magnitude of increasing group deaths I have choose this study to find out the causative factor or precipitating circumstances resulting in death of many people.

Results: In present study 20 groups of homicide - suicide pact have been included. Incidences were commonly taking place in the months of January, April, and May. Maximum number of cases was resulted by the involvement of female and all were married and of young adult age group 21 -30 years. Commonly mother and children were involved and poisoning was the commonest mode of death followed by drowning. Middle of the month i.e.11 – 20 days is the peak duration for these types of deaths.


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How to Cite
Dr. Mohammed Iliyas Sheikh. A STUDY OF ARRANGED HOMICIDE – SUICIDE PACT, IS A PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT OR RESPONSIBILITY OF MODERNIZATION?. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(04):395-01. Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/254
Original Research Article