• Bhushan Lal Assistant professor, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Kuldeep Thaku Senior resident, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Ravinder Singh Minhas Professor, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Madhuri Dadhwal Associate professor, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Mukesh Surya Assistant professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis, IGMC Shimla
  • Shweta Sharma Junior residents, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Disha Sharma Junior residents, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Pankaj Chauhan Junior residents, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Deepa Thomas Junior residents, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Niti Sharma Junior residents, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
  • Vikrant Singh Ghiyali Junior residents, Department of ENT, IGMC Shimla
Keywords: ultrasonography, lymphadenopathy, metastatic


Presence of head and neck masses proposes a diagnostic dilemma for the clinician. Any method that can lead to an early and accurate diagnosis of head and neck mass would be most desirable for the clinician. Neck has an extensive network of lymphoid tissue besides a variety of structure beneath the skin viz. fascia, adipose tissue, tendons, vessels, nerves, and glands.


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How to Cite
Bhushan Lal, Kuldeep Thaku, Ravinder Singh Minhas, Madhuri Dadhwal, Mukesh Surya, Shweta Sharma, Disha Sharma, Pankaj Chauhan, Deepa Thomas, Niti Sharma, Vikrant Singh Ghiyali. CLINICO-PATHOLOGICAL AND ULTRASONOLOGICAL STUDY OF NECK MASSES. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Oct.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(05):531-538`. Available from:
Original Research Article