• FreweinYilma College of Medical and Health Sciences, Samara University, Ethiopia
  • Lemessa Olgira College of Health and Medical Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
  • Bezatu Mengiste College of Health and Medical Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, Haramaya University, Ethiopia
  • Prof P.Surender Reddy College of Medical and Health Sciences, Samara University, Ethiopia
  • Abel Gebre College of Medical and Health Sciences, Samara University, Ethiopia
Keywords: Antenatal care, delivery care, Ayssaita district


Background: Proper medical attention and hygienic conditions during delivery can reduce the risk of Complications and infections that can cause the death or serious illness of the mother and/or the newborn baby. Institutional delivery by skilled attendants is very important to reduce maternal and infant mortality; however, there is a paucity of data on the magnitude and associated factors especially in the agro-pastoral communities.

Objective: To assess the magnitude and associated factors for institutional delivery service among women of reproductive age who gave birth in the last 12 months preceding the survey in Ayssaita district.

Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from April 27- 09 March 2015. Data were collected from a sample of 580 women in the district using structured questionnaire. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted and Odds ratio with 95% CI was estimated to identify predictors of institutional delivery care utilization. Statistical level of significance was declared at p < 0.05.

Results: The study revealed that 36.1% of deliveries were assisted by a skilled health professional at a health institution. Four hundred ninety-six (86.4%) of women attended at least one antenatal care visit during last pregnancy. Among women who attended ANC, more than half (74.6%) of the women made their first visit during second and third trimester of pregnancy and 49.9% had less than four antenatal visits. Women’s educational level (AOR=2.46, 95%CI=1.39,4.34,AOR=2,88,95%CI=1.43,5.81)and husbands educational status(AOR=0.39,95%CI=0.19,0.79), marital status (AOR=3.97,95%CI=1.07,14.70),and frequency of ANC visit (AOR=3.23, 95%CI=1.02,10.27) were positively associated with institutional delivery care utilization.

Conclusions: The utilization of institutional delivery care services is inadequate in the study area. Improving the status of women by expanding educational opportunities, strengthening health extension workers to create community awareness of the program with the focus on obstetric danger signs of pregnancy and place of delivery are warranted.


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How to Cite
FreweinYilma, Lemessa Olgira, Bezatu Mengiste, Prof P.Surender Reddy, Abel Gebre. MAGNITUDE AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS FOR INSTITUTIONAL DELIVERY SERVICE AMONG WOMEN WHO GAVE BIRTH IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS IN AYSSAITA DISTRICT, NORTH EAST ETHIOPIA: A COMMUNITY BASED CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY-2015. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2018Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(3):202-23. Available from:
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