• Ugbem TI Department of Pathology, University of Calabar, Calabar. Nigeria
  • Martin Nnoli Department of Pathology, University of Calabar, Calabar. Nigeria
Keywords: Twins, Corrosive poisoning, Motor Car battery fluid electrolyte and Autopsy


Battery fluid electrolyte (Sulphuric acid) is a highly corrosive agent which on accidental or forceful ingestion can result in serious injuries to the gastrointestinal tract and life-threatening resulting in death. Homicidal battery fluid ingestion is rare in Nigeria. We present the case of eleven years old female twin that was trick to drink a mixture of battery fluid electrolyte and nonalcoholic beverage drink by their father with the intention of killing them. The first twin was found dead and the second died in the hospital. Both sustained severe gastrointestinal injuries with fecal peritonitis and haemoperitoneum.


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How to Cite
Ugbem TI, Martin Nnoli. CHILDHOOD HOMICIDE FOLLOWING MOTOR CAR BATTERY FLUID ELECTROLYTE INGESTION IN CALABAR, SOUTH-SOUTH NIGERIA: AN AUTOPSY CASE SERIES. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2018Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(4):277-81. Available from:
Original Research Article