• Dr. Nisha Kaul Professor & HOD of Anatomy, Santosh Medical College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Vertebrae, Sacrum, Sacralisation, Lumbarisation, Transitional vertebrae, HOX gene


Introduction: The human vertebral column is divided into five regions viz cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal regions. The lumbar region is designed mainly to facilitate movements of the back and support the body weight. Abnormal fusion between L5 & S1 vertebrae results in Sacralisation. Lumbarization occurs when the first segment of the sacrum is not fused with rest of sacrum & remains free to move. Both these conditions are discussed under one common heading“Lumbosacral transitional vertebrae” (LSTV). The prevalence is 1-30 %. Various researchers have identified the role of LSTV in low back pain. Sacralized segment can impinge on spinal nerve roots or the cauda equina structures producing various symptoms & signs.

Aim: Knowledge of LSTV is helpful 1 to diagnose and treat patients with low back pain 2. Awareness of such congenital anomaly of the vertebral column is important before undertaking any spinal surgery.

Material & Methods: 100 dry adult sacra belonging to the dept. of anatomy SMC, Ghaziabad (UP) were used for the study. Every specimen was studied for features of: 1. Sacralization 2.Lumbarization.

Observation: LSTV was seen in 27%; four specimens showing lumbarization & 23 showing sacralization of grade IIIb (of Castellvi).

Discussion: The association between LSTV and back pain was first described in 1917 by Bertolotti. Mutations of HOX10/ HOX11 genes may play a role in the formation of LSTV. A knowledge of LSTV helps in treating low backache & diagnosis of various associated pathologies of the vertebral column.


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How to Cite
Dr. Nisha Kaul. INCIDENCE OF LUMBOSACRAL TRANSITIONALVERTEBRAE (LSTV) AMONGEST THE POPULATION OF UP—A MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON BONES. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2018Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(4):287-04. Available from:
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