• Dr G. S. Chandrashekhar Senior Physician & Cardiodiabetologist, Medical Director, Adarsha Super Speciality Hospital, Udupi, Karnataka
Keywords: Bilirubin, AST, ALT, plasma proteins, gender difference Running title, Liver profile and gender difference


Background: There are studies which have indicated the role of gonadal hormones in regulating structure and function of nearly every tissue and organ in the mammalian body, causing gender differences in a variety of characteristics. The objective of our study was to compare the gender differences in liver function tests in healthy individuals and to find the correlation between bilirubin and other liver markers.

Methodology: The retrospective study was conducted by collecting the data from the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory of Adarsha Superspeciality Hospital, Udupi. Liver function tests were compared among 35 women and 35 men, who got their liver function tests done as a part of routine investigation panel. Comparison of liver parameters was done using the Mann Whitney U test. A correlation study was done by calculating Spearman's correlation coefficient.

Results: Total and direct bilirubin were very significantly high in males as compared to females ( P=0.001 and p <0.0001).A significantly high total protein(p=0.039) , globulins (p=0.0092),AST (p=0.0168), ALT (p=0.0010) were observed in males. ALT was positively very highly significantly correlated with total and direct bilirubin ( p=0.0038 and p=0.0049 respectively (r=0.26 and r=0.256 respectively).

Conclusion: A significantly high total and direct bilirubin, AST, ALT, total protein and globulin levels were observed in men compared to women. The causative factor is inconclusive and association of liver profile and female gonadal hormones needs further research.


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How to Cite
Dr G. S. Chandrashekhar. GENDER DIFFERENCES IN LIVER FUNCTION TESTS: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Mar.7];5(5):365-8. Available from:
Original Research Article