• Dr. Manish K. Bansal Associate Professor, S N Medical College, Agra, India
  • Dr. Prabhat Kumar Agrawal Assistant Professor, S N Medical College, Agra, India
  • Dr. Ashish Gautam Assistant Professor, S N Medical College, Agra, India
  • Dr. A. K. Singh Assistant Professor, S N Medical College, Agra, India
  • Dr. A. K. Nigam2 Assistant Professor, S N Medical College, Agra, India
Keywords: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Krill Oil, Diabetic Neuropathy


Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is a common, symptomatic, long-term microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus. This study was undertaken to see the efficacy and safety of krill oil supplementation in diabetic neuropathy patients. This was a prospective observational study. The patients were categorized into two groups, Group I included those patients who were prescribed krill oil while group II patients received a placebo irrespective of their antidiabetic treatment. Each patient was initially accessed and followed up at 24 weeks. Demographic details, presenting symptoms, history of diabetes, laboratory values pertaining to diabetes (Fasting blood sugar, Postprandial blood sugar, and HbA1c) were recorded. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV), Intensity of pain, using a visual analog scale (VAS), diabetic neuropathy symptom (DNS) score, and diabetic neuropathy examination (DNE) score, were assessed at baseline and then at 24-week follow-up. Data of 72 patients were analyzed. There was a statistically significant improvement in NCV, VAS, DNS, and DNE score of the patient's results of this study suggest that treatment with krill oil gives an improvement in diabetic neuropathy. Although promising, further studies are needed to assess the long-term treatment of krill oil in a large sample of the population.


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How to Cite
Bansal MK, Agrawal PK, Gautam A, Singh AK, Nigam AK. ROLE OF KRILL OIL SUPPLEMENTATION IN DIABETIC NEUROPATHY PATIENTS – A RANDOMIZED CONTROL TRIAL. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2014Dec.25 [cited 2025Jan.19];1(2):222-33. Available from:
Original Research Article