• Nigwekar Shubhangi Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Rural Medical College of PIMS (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India
  • Badhe K. Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Rural Medical College of PIMS (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India
  • Bhandari A. Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Rural Medical College of PIMS (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India
  • Temakar A Junior Resident Department of Ophthalmology, Rural Medical College of PIMS (DU), Loni, Maharashtra, India
Keywords: PKP, Penetrating Keratoplasty, Corneal graft survival, corneal graft rejection


Introduction: Full thickness corneal opacities remain a challenging situation. Unfortunately, they are more frequently seen in a rural area. PKP is indicated as gold standard surgery in full-thickness corneal involvement as: nonhealing corneal ulcers, penetrating corneal trauma, dystrophies, degenerations and failed lamellar keratoplasties. This procedure is a well-established, effective and gives faster visual rehabilitation. Still, it has many postoperative complications like graft failure, graft rejection, cataract formation, glaucoma, and corneal vascularization.

Purpose: To evaluate surgical outcome of penetrating keratoplasty done in adults having full thickness corneal lesions at a rural hospital in relation to 1) Clinical graft clarity 2) Best corrected visual acuity and 3) Occurrence of postoperative complications and indication for PKPs.

Methods: In this hospital-based, a prospective study we studied all cases that underwent PKP in adults at PRH Loni, by trained surgeons during a total 10 years period i.e. from January 2008 to December 2017.

Results: We studied 114 PKPs. There were 68 (59.64%) males. Clear graft in 59 (51.75%) in all PKPs and in optical PKPs graft clarity was 61.84%. Postoperative complications in 55 (48.24%).Best corrected V/A > 6/18 in 24 cases (21.05 %) more than 6/60 in 64 cases (56.14%) and >CF 3 Meter in 93 patients (81.58 %).

Conclusions: Post PKP graft clarity and BCVA depends on indication for PKP. Graft failure and rejection are the major postoperative complications and PKP gives good best-corrected vision and faster rehabilitation in optical PKP.


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How to Cite
Nigwekar Shubhangi, Badhe K., Bhandari A., Temakar A. SURGICAL OUTCOME OF PENETRATING KERATOPLASTY IN ADULTS AT RURAL HOSPITAL. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2019Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(3):136-45. Available from:
Original Research Article