• Slamet Isworo Department of Environmental Health. Dian Nuswantoro University - Indonesia
  • Fitria Wulandari Dan Department of Environmental Health. Dian Nuswantoro University - Indonesia
  • Agus Perry Kusuma Department of Public Health. Dian Nuswantoro University - Indonesia
Keywords: Feasibility Study, SWOT Analysis, Satisfaction Analysis, Patient Services, External and Internal Environment Internal Analysis, Primary Health Facilities


Objective: The Primary Srikandi Clinic is a first-class health service unit that serves the community in the West Semarang. Business development health service, a feasibility study is needed so that it has a policy direction and business development.

Method: The research data was obtained based on secondary data, library studies, and direct observation as descriptive. The study was conducted in the West Semarang sub-district and patients at the Srikandi Clinic in April to May 2019 with 80 respondents. Research

Results: Based on the land and market suitability analysis, the Srikandi Clinic is in a very strategic location. The location of the clinic is in accordance with the Semarang City Spatial Plan and Regional Area. Based on the analysis of patient visits, the trend of patient visits at the Srikandi Clinic is increasing, while based on the analysis of the utilization of health insurance; patients at the Srikandi Clinic have a tendency to switch aid services for the poor to non-beneficiaries. The SWOT analysis for the Srikandi Clinic is a growth-oriented strategy with a strength-opportunity strategy. The Srikandi strategy approach of the clinical satisfaction analysis based on the tangible aspect parameters with the category was very satisfied with the highest score on the aspect of physician appearance 82.1%. The responsiveness level with the highest score was 94.6% in the very satisfied category, in the aspect of officer alertness in listening to patients the complaints aspect and the reliability of the highest score of 92.9% in the categorization was very satisfied.

Conclusion: Srikandi Clinic can be upgraded to a type C hospital or main clinic based on Indonesian health regulations


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How to Cite
Slamet Isworo, Fitria Wulandari Dan, Agus Perry Kusuma. FEASIBILITY STUDY OF SRIKANDI CLINIC DEVELOPMENT, SEMARANG - CENTRAL JAVA BASE ON SWOT AND SATISFACTION ANALYSIS. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2019Jun.30 [cited 2024Dec.26];6(3):155-73. Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/384
Original Research Article