Outcomes of fixed partial dentures fabricated in AFHSR before 3 years

  • Afnan M Alasmari Dental intern, Armed Forced Hospital, Southern Region, KSA
  • Rawan A Saddah Dental intern, Armed Forced Hospital, Southern Region, KSA
  • Dr. Parvis Ahmad Khan Registrar, Prosthodontist, Armed Forced Hospital, Southern Region, KSA
Keywords: Denture fabrication, AFTER, Fixed partial dentures


Objectives: This study was done to determine the length of service of FPDs delivered to the patients with specific clinical, radiographic, and laboratory procedures.

Methods: A total of 110 patients were examined 65 of the participants were females and 45 males, with a total of 175 prostheses. Patient was selected randomly, all of them having a single crown or fixed partial dentures done at the Dental Specialty Centre King Fahad Armed forced hospital Khamis Mushait KSA, between 2016 and 2019. Patients were informed and written consents were obtained. Age, gender and the duration of prosthesis placement were being recorded. Clinical and radiographic analysis was done.

Results: Out of 200 patients participated satisfying the criteria for inclusion in this study were identified. 110 responded positively with a total of 175 prostheses (91 single crowns, 84 FPDs). The male patients were 45 and the female patients were 65, with age ranging from 25 to 65 years. The most frequent failure was due to debonding in both types of prosthesis.

Conclusion : Within the limitation of this study, secondary caries and debonding of the single crowns and FPDs were the most frequent complication.


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How to Cite
Afnan M Alasmari, Rawan A Saddah, Dr. Parvis Ahmad Khan. Outcomes of fixed partial dentures fabricated in AFHSR before 3 years. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2019Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(4):212-7. Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/390
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