The potential emphasis of nelumbo nucifera gaertn in pharmaceutical sciences

  • Vinod Doharey University Institute of Pharmacy, Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur (Uttarpradesh)
  • Manish Kumar M.M.College of Pharmacy, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be university) Mullana, Ambala, (Haryana)
Keywords: fruitfulness, comprehension, illumination


Currently, herbal Medicine is the matriarch form of medicine known to fidelity of creature. Herbal medicine is still the underpinning of about 78 - 80% of the world population, particularly in the grow up countries, for primitive health care. Nature yields a medicine being full of extraordinary shrubs, herbs and flowers, which form the ground for many modern medicines. Herbal medicines are getting more influential in the regimen of different disorders because the prevalent synthetic medicines have side effects. For this acumen, a broad scale of the Indian population for their physical and mental health confide largely on traditional system of medicines. Nelumbo nucifera commonly expressed as sacred lotus, bean of India, Indian lotus or simply lotus. It is the National flower of India. It symbolizes spirituality, fruitfulness, prosperity, comprehension & illumination.


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How to Cite
Vinod Doharey, Manish Kumar. The potential emphasis of nelumbo nucifera gaertn in pharmaceutical sciences. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2019Oct.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(5):264-7. Available from:
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