Mean platelet volume as a measure of alveolar hypoventilation consequent to chronic nasal obstruction

  • Dr. Mahiben J. Consultant ENT Surgeon, Mathilakam, Ponvila, Ayira PO, Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram
Keywords: Mean platelet volume (MPV), Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS), Nasal obstruction, Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), Chronic hypoxia


Nasal obstruction is a common presenting symptom in everyday rhinological practice. The chronic nasal obstruction causes upper respiratory tract resistance further leading to chronic hypoxia because of alveolar hypoventilation1, 2. MPV is associated with the function and activation of platelets and used as a marker of hypoxemia3. This prospective study conducted in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and neck surgery Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Medical College, Salem on 30 patients with chronic nasal obstruction with 30 healthy control group. This study is to determine whether MPV values are elevated in patients with chronic nasal obstruction compared to healthy controls. The study also compares the Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of nasal airflow between cases and controls. The diagnosis was based on anterior rhinoscopy and diagnostic nasal examination. In the present study deviated nasal septum was commonest followed by nasal polyps.MPV values are increased in all age groups compared to controls. The study also shows PEFR is decreased in cases compared to controls.


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How to Cite
Dr. Mahiben J. Mean platelet volume as a measure of alveolar hypoventilation consequent to chronic nasal obstruction. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2019Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(6):285-91. Available from:
Original Research Article