Effect of sublingual Vitamin D3 on chronic kidney disease.

  • Dr. Tilekar P. B Assistant Professor, General Medicine, Pravara institute of medical sciences, Loni(bk), Maharashtra
  • Sanjeeva Kumar Goud. T Tutor, Department of Pharmacology, Pravara institute of medical sciences, Loni(bk), Maharashtra
  • Dr. Rahul Kunkulol Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmacology, Pravara institute of medical sciences, Loni(bk), Maharashtra
Keywords: Sublingual Vitamin D3, CKD, Vitamin D deficiency


The present study was aimed to study the effect of Sublingual Vitamin D3 on Chronic Kidney Disease. This was a non-randomized clinical trial and interventional study. Total of 400 patients were enrolled for the study. All the subjects were screened for the serum 25(OH)D level. Subjects fulfilling the eligibility criteria with serum 25(OH)D level less than 20 ng/ml, having history of renal dysfunction were included in the study. At the end of the study, 49 patients (24 from Test and 25 from control group) dropped out of the study due to their personal reasons and finally 351 patients participated till the end of the study,176 patients in test group and 175 in control group. There was statistically significant difference in serum vitamin D3 level before 16.61±6.71 ng/ml and after 35.80±7.80 ng/ml after treatment with Sublingual Vitamin D3, whereas in the control group decreased from baseline 16.40±3.63ng/ml to 14.96±4.94 ng/ml. As per the information is taken from the patients, 38 participants in the test group (21.59%) and 41 in the control group (23.42%) had a history of renal dysfunction in our study. In our study there were no significant changes in the Renal Function Test on giving sublingual vitamin D3 further multicentred trials with large sample size are required to come to a conclusion. However, improvement in hypertension as a result of vitamin D3 could prove effective in treating CKD. further multicentred trials with large sample size are required to come to a conclusion.


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How to Cite
Dr. Tilekar P. B, Sanjeeva Kumar Goud. T, Dr. Rahul Kunkulol. Effect of sublingual Vitamin D3 on chronic kidney disease. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];7(1):13-. Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/411
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