Synchronous ovarian dysgerminoma and metastatic breast carcinoma: A case report

  • Aqueel M Junior resident JK Cancer Institute Kanpur
  • Raza MW Assistant Professor, Room No. 13, J K Cancer Institute, Kanpur
  • Singh PK Assistant Professor, J K Cancer Institute, Kanpur
  • Prasad SN Professor & Head of Department Radiotherapy JK Cancer Institute, Kanpur.
  • Mishra MP Director, Pathology and Director, JK Cancer Institute, Kanpur
Keywords: dysgerminoma, infiltrating, breast, dual, BRCA


Introduction: Synchronous dual malignancies are rare findings. A unique case report of first of its kind of synchronous ovarian dysgerminoma and metastatic infiltrating duct carcinoma of the breast is being reported.

Presentation of Case: A young female investigated for pain abdomen was found to have right ovarian mass was operated outside which was histopathologically proven to be dysgerminoma presented to our clinics with complaints of a bilateral breast lump, dry cough and pain abdomen. She had a raised beta HCG and LDH. She was investigated and diagnosed as a case of metastatic breast carcinoma with ovarian dysgerminoma.

Discussion: Patients with germline BRCA mutations have been shown to present with such aggressive dual malignancy of breast and ovary. She survived only for two to three months after her initial presentation.

Conclusion: Such patients need to be screened and detected early so that aggressive treatment could be started and survival could be increased.


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How to Cite
Aqueel M, Raza MW, Singh PK, Prasad SN, Mishra MP. Synchronous ovarian dysgerminoma and metastatic breast carcinoma: A case report. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2020Feb.29 [cited 2025Feb.23];7(1):23-7. Available from:
Case Report