Analysis on effectiveness of psycho-neurobics on mental concentration and memory betterment

  • Deepchand Dhankhar Research Scholar, Yoga Samskrutham University Florida
  • Dr Ravi Kumariya Research Guide & faculty of Yoga Samskrutham University Florida
Keywords: Memory, Memory Techniques, Neurobic exercise, Psycho-Neurobics, Mindfulness, Psychological Well-being


Psycho-neurobics is an Energy Therapy. In psycho-neurobic, we breathe in the Cosmic Energy through the intensity of mind and then exchange it to our body, neuro-framework. With an expected 1.2 billion youngsters matured between age from 10-19 years on the planet, the issue requires significant thought of mental health specialists, behavioral researchers and strategy creators. Harping on the mental health issues of society by and large and youth specifically, the WHO report (2009/10) assessed that roughly one out of five youngsters younger than 18 experience some type of emotional, developmental, or behavioral issues. The Simplest meaning of pressure is a reaction to demands. According to the Survey Report of Manovikasa Psychological Institute, India, Indian ladies are experiencing serious pressure. Psychoneurobics guides our brain to get and use the enormous vitality to stimulate our physical body and enacts the brain. This article will analyze the Effectiveness of Psycho-Neurobics on Mental Concentration and Memory Betterment.


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How to Cite
Deepchand Dhankhar, Dr Ravi Kumariya. Analysis on effectiveness of psycho-neurobics on mental concentration and memory betterment. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2020Feb.29 [cited 2025Feb.23];7(1):33-0. Available from:
Original Research Article