Keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in patients with seborrheic dermatitis associated with psoriasis, cases report

  • Wilfredo José Molina Wills school of medicine of the University of the Andes Venezuela
  • Dr Vanessa Rodriguez Private practice
Keywords: Keratolytic, anti-inflammatory action, salicylic acid


Objectives: The objective was to evaluate the keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in two reported cases of patients with seborrheic dermatitis associated with psoriasis.

Methods: Clinical photographs of the frontal region and retro headset were taken with a digital camera olimpus SP570UZ with master software 2.0. The images obtained both in the initial phase of the study and at the 24 hours of treatment were transferred and stored on a 4-core Sansung computer. Image J software was used to measure the area selected for the study in both cases. This measurement was made in pixels for the photographic region under study. Aspects such as the presence of erythematous scales, inflammatory zones, hyperkeratosis, or scabs were evaluated before and after treatment.

Results: Case 1 showed a 48.89% reduction in the affected area after 24 hours of treatment. Case 2 showed a 52.98% reduction at 24 hours of treatment. Conclusions: The keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid was evident in this case report.


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DOI: 10.26838//MEDRECH.2020.7.4.437
Published: 2020-09-06
How to Cite
Wills WJM, Rodriguez V. Keratolytic and anti-inflammatory action of salicylic acid in patients with seborrheic dermatitis associated with psoriasis, cases report. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2020Sep.6 [cited 2025Mar.15];7(4):170-6. Available from:
Case Report