Dissection hall experience of first year medical students

  • Dr Ashfaq ul Hassan Associate Prof and Head Anatomy Skims Medical college Bemina
  • Dr Samiya Sammon Tutor Anatomy, SKIMS Medical College Bemina
Keywords: Dissection, Anatomy, specimen, Practicals, Cadaver


Dissection is a special curiosity for First Mbbs Students. It is remembered for life long by medical students. The experience of dissection cannot be forgotten for a lifetime. The first day of entering the dissection hall remains the best memory for medical students. First-Year Students are at crossroads. From a non-professional career, they enter into a professional career. This sudden change and transformation have many implications. They take time to adjust to new forms of education, responsibility, and changes. First professional Studies are demanding as well. There are many modalities of teaching in the Subject of Anatomy like Theory, Practicals of Histology. Dissection is an entity special to Anatomy and very different from other skills. There is a special and unique response to dissection by first-year medical students. It happens to be their first interaction with the human body in real-time. There is a range of feelings like excitement, fear, unpleasant feeling, fatigue associated with dissection. Dissection is the central pillar of anatomy. First-year medical students on their encounter with the cadaver for the first time experience a variety of reactions and mixed feelings. The present study was carried to assess the experience of first-year medical students towards the human cadaveric dissection and its physical and emotional aspects


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.1.474
Published: 2021-01-26
How to Cite
Hassan A ul, Sammon S. Dissection hall experience of first year medical students. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Jan.26 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(1). Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/474
Original Research Article