Anthropometrical variations in cephalic index in Indian medical students and its relation with sex

  • Dr. Nuzhat Bashir 1. Demonstator, Department of Anatomy, SKIMS Medical College, Bemina Srinagar, India
  • Dr. Ashfaq ul Hassan 2. Associate Professor & H.O.D Department of Anatomy SKIMS Medical college Bemina , Srinagar, India
  • Dr. Aijaz Ahmad Patloo Demonstator, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College,Srinagar, India
Keywords: Skull, Cephalic, Diameter, Nasal, Orbit, Chin, Cheek, Zygoma, index


Introduction: Cephalic index is useful anthropologically for deciding the race and sex of an individual as it is greatly affected by age, sex, geographical factors.

Material and methods: In the present study, 90 medical students were taken as subjects and head length, head breadth, and cephalic index were measured. Aim: To study anthropometrical variations in the cephalic index in Indian medical students and its relation with sex.

Results: Indian males had a mean cephalic index of 78.01 and they were mesocephalic and females had a mean cephalic index of 81.41and were brachycephalic.

Conclusion: The data is important in forensic medicine, anthropology, genetics, and the identification of individuals.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.1.475
Published: 2021-01-23
How to Cite
Bashir N, Hassan A ul, Patloo AA. Anthropometrical variations in cephalic index in Indian medical students and its relation with sex. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Jan.23 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(1):27-1. Available from:
Original Research Article