Synchronous presentation of two dentigerous cysts and ameloblastoma: Eight-years follow-up.

  • Juárez-Rebollar Alejandra Giselle Maxillofacial Surgery, National Medical Center “Siglo XXI”, Mexico
  • Cortés-Hernández Sergio Maxillofacial Surgery, National Medical Center “La Raza”, Mexico
  • Juárez-Rebollar Daniel Neurosurgery, Regional Hospital Lic. Adolfo López Mateos, Mexico
  • Juárez-Paredes Celso Marcelo Gerontology, Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Mexico
Keywords: dentigerous cyst, cyst, ameloblastoma, enucleation, odontogenic cyst


Dentigerous cysts are benign lesions mainly related to the crown of a tooth, early diagnosis is essential (which is almost always done radiographically and sometimes clinically) these not usually causing symptoms unless these are large and generate compression on nerve structures, the possibility of transformation or the evolution of these lesions to ameloblastomas has been described in the literature, possibly due to cellular and protein changes, among others, which are still under study. Ameloblastomas, on the other hand, are aggressive benign tumors and their possible formation from a dentigerous cyst has been described. It is important to have a good histopathological diagnosis since sometimes similarities can be observed and these can generate controversy or confusion between them. The present clinical case is representative because it involves both lesions in the same site, the importance lies in the fact that conservative treatment was provided through enucleation and curettage of the lesions performed at the Maxillofacial Surgery at "La Raza" National Medical Center. And then the patient was kept under control, showing clinical and radiographic results at eight years of follow-up, without recurrences, with adequate evolution and a good prognosis.


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Tovío E., Anaya L, Rivera D. ¿Dentigerous cyst or ameloblastoma? Importance of histological analysis in the diagnosis of these pathologies. Rev Cient Odontol (Lima). 2020; 8 (3): e034 DOI: 10.21142 / 2523-2754-0803-2020-034

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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.2.496
Published: 2021-04-27
How to Cite
Giselle J-RA, Sergio C-H, Daniel J-R, Marcelo J-PC. Synchronous presentation of two dentigerous cysts and ameloblastoma: Eight-years follow-up. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Apr.27 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(2):68-3. Available from:
Original Research Article