Iron with folic acid supplemenation and birth weight in Ethiopia: Systemic review and meta-analysis

  • Kaleab Tesfaye Tegegne Department of Public Health, Hawassa College of Health Science, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • Andualem Zenebe Department of Public Health, Hawassa College of Health Science, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • Abiyu Ayalew Assefa Department of Public Health, Hawassa College of Health Science, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • Berhanu Bifato Department of Public Health, Hawassa College of Health Science, Hawassa, Ethiopia
  • Eleni Tesfaye Tegegne College of Medicine and Health Science, School of Nursing, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia
  • Mekibib Kassa Tessema Leishmania Research and Treatment Center, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia
Keywords: Determinant of birth weight, iron with folic acid supplementation, Meta-analysis, Systematic reviews, Ethiopia


Objective: The aim of this systemic review and meta-analysis was to examine the relationship between iron with folic acid supplementation and low birth weight in Ethiopia Previous studies on iron with folic acid supplementation and low birth weight indicated different findings. We include 24 studies in different regions of Ethiopia. We have done this study focusing on iron with folic acid supplementation.

Materials and Methods The databases searched were PUBMED and Advanced Google Scholar. on reference manager software reporting iron with folic acid supplementation and low birth weight. Three researchers have carried out the data extraction and assessed independently the articles for inclusion in the review using the risk-of-bias tool guided by the PRISMA checklist.

Results: Twenty-four observational studies involving 10989 participants, 2348 newborns have low birth weight were included. The combined effect size (OR) for low birth weight r comparing women who have an iron with folic acid supplementation versus women who did not have an iron with folic acid supplementation was 0.37 (95%CI 0.25 to 0.55), p<0.00001, I2 = 91 %). There was significant heterogeneity. No publication bias was observed, women reported iron with folic acid supplementation during current pregnancy in all studies, the proportion of low birth weight among women who reported iron with folic acid supplementation during the current pregnancy was 1392 (17.85%).

Conclusions: Women who take iron with folic acid supplementation during pregnancy have a 67% decreased in delivering low birth weight newborns in Ethiopia.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2020.8.3.493
Published: 2021-05-08
How to Cite
Tegegne KT, Zenebe A, Assefa AA, Bifato B, Tegegne ET, Tessema MK. Iron with folic acid supplemenation and birth weight in Ethiopia: Systemic review and meta-analysis. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021May8 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(3):136-48. Available from:
Review Article