To Study about prescription patterns for bronchial asthma by allopathy doctors in Agra region

  • Santosh Kumar Professor And Head, Department of TB and Chest Disease, S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Gajendira Vikram Singh Associate professor, Department of TB and Chest Disease, S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Sachin Kumar Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of TB and Chest Disease, S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Aravind R Junior resident
  • Komal Lohchab Assistant Professor, Department of TB and Chest Disease, Government Medical College, Budaun
  • Achal Singh Junior Resident, Department of TB and Chest Disease S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Bhanu Pratap Pandey Junior Resident, Department of TB and Chest Disease S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Rajeev Kumar Chauhan Junior Resident, Department of TB and Chest Disease S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Amiral Haque Junior Resident, Department of TB and Chest Disease S. N. Medical College, Agra
  • Vipin Kumar Junior Resident, Department of TB and Chest Disease S. N. Medical College, Agra
Keywords: Bronchial Asthma BA, Long activng Beta2 agonist LABA, Long activng muscarinic antagonist LAMA, Intranasal corticosteroids ICS


Background: Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation. Patients with asthma require lifelong treatment and multiple anti-asthmatic drugs at the same time. Drug utilization audits are quality assurance programs to ensure that drugs are used correctly and safely. This  study was done by conducting prescription audits and identifies irrationality in drug prescribing.

Material and Methods: To assess the prescription pattern of bronchial asthma by allopathic doctors of the Agra region among patients visiting Sarojini Naidu medical college, Agra. Data were collected from patients suffering from bronchial asthma having, at least one written prescription by previous treating doctors. The sample size of the study was 122.

Results: In this study, Assessment of prescription pattern of bronchial asthma by allopathy doctors,   among 122   prescriptions, most of the prescriptions 64% belong to general practitioners and 36% belong to specialists. In this study, Assessment of prescription pattern of bronchial asthma by allopathy doctors,   among 122  bronchial asthma patients prescriptions, most of the prescriptions 62%  prescriptions were not according to GINA and 38%prescriptions were according to GINA.

Conclusion: In conclusion, National Asthma Education Program will be beneficial as an initial step, in improving asthma knowledge and increasing awareness in the medical community, on current therapy. This study may be more meaningful to improve further the prescriptions through successful implementation of the interventional programs in the health care centers.


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GINA. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention. [Last revised on 2020]

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DOI: 10.26838/10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.4.545
Published: 2021-08-03
How to Cite
Kumar S, Singh GV, Gupta SK, R A, Lohchab K, Singh A, Pandey BP, Chauhan RK, Haque A, Kumar V. To Study about prescription patterns for bronchial asthma by allopathy doctors in Agra region. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Aug.3 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(4):313-6. Available from:
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