Post recovery Covid-19 patients: Factor affecting oxygen saturation and complication in them.
Oxygen saturation is a measure of how much hemoglobin is currently bound to oxygen compared to how much remains unbound. Oral steroids rapidly reduce the inflammation and are associated with rapid rise in oxygen saturation. The post recovery complications vary from Relapsing fever to wakefulness to tiredness. Proning has been found effective in increasing the oxygen saturation of the patient. The objectives of this study is to determine the effect of steroids, antifungals, proning and breathing exercises on post recovery oxygen saturation in COVID- 19 patients and to find the common post recovery complaints/complications in the COVID-19 patients. It was a cross- sectional study. The study had 34 participants. All the participants had history of COVID-19 infection. 31 reported post recovery tiredness. 13 practiced proning in the recovery period while, 12 practiced breathing exercises. The oxygen saturation was compared with those who took oral steroids by Pearson Chi-Square test the P value was found to be 0.000 thus there is a significant difference between the oxygen saturation of those who received oral steroids and those who did not. There is a significant association between use of antifungal and oxygen saturation post recovery with Pearson Chi- square p value 0.003. The Pearson Chi-Square test gives a p value of 0.000 thus there is a significant association between post recovery oxygen saturation and proning. The Pearson Chi-Square test gives a P value of 0.003 thus there is a significant association between post recovery oxygen saturation and breathing exercises.
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