Fracture penis in a male in the seventh decade of life in a pandemic setting

  • Dr. Sivaramakrishna Bodapati MH Jalandhar
  • Dr. Indranuj Roy MH Jalandhar
Keywords: fracture penis, surgery, emergency, trauma


Penile fracture is considered a urological emergency caused due to direct trauma to an erect penis. Fracture penis is usually encountered in a young patient and is exceeding uncommon in a patent in the seventh decade of life. The mechanism of injury depends on socio-cultural habits. Diagnosis is mostly made by clinical assessment but at times ultrasonography or MRI may be resorted to establishing a diagnosis. There is no role for conservative treatment in this condition and prompt surgical management remains the mainstay of treatment irrespective of age and ensures near-normal erectile function thereafter.


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Author Biographies

Dr. Sivaramakrishna Bodapati, MH Jalandhar

Head of the Department of Surgery and Urologist

Dr. Indranuj Roy, MH Jalandhar

Surgeon, Department of Surgery


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.6.561
Published: 2021-11-10
How to Cite
Bodapati S, Bodapati S, Roy I. Fracture penis in a male in the seventh decade of life in a pandemic setting. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Nov.10 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(6):471-4. Available from:
Case Report