Sociodemographic status of hemorrhagic stroke patients: A study in a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh

  • Dr. A. B. M. Khairul Hasan Associate Professor & Head, Department of Neurology, TMSS Medical College Hospital, Bogura, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. Muhammad Alamgir Mandal Associate Professor & Head, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, TMSS Medical College Hospital, Bogura, Bangladesh
  • Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman Consultant, Cardiology, Sheikh Fazilatunnessa Mujib Memorial KPJ Specialized Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Dr. Sajal Kumar Shill Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Kumudini Women’s Medical College, Mirzapur, Tangail.
  • Dr. Md. Yaunus Ali Assistant Professor, Cardiology, TMSS Medical College Hospital, Bogura, Bangladesh.
Keywords: Socio-demographic status, Hemorrhagic stroke, Vascular, Blockage, Artery


Background: Worldwide, stroke is the second cause of death and the third cause of disability. For the prevention of hemorrhagic stroke as well as for reducing stroke-related mortality and disability knowledge of the sociodemographic status of hemorrhagic stroke patients is very important.

Aim of the study: The aim of this current study was to assess the sociodemographic status of patients with hemorrhagic stroke.

Materials and Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was carried out at Neurology and Medicine ward Mymensingh Medical College Hospital (MMCH) from July 2017 to December 2018. In total 60 subjects of more than 18 years were considered for the study as the study subjects. The study population had been selected according to the pre-defined exclusion and inclusion criteria. Only patients with hemorrhagic stroke attended the mentioned hospital ware included. All data were processed, analyzed, and disseminated by MS Office and SPSS programs as per need.

Results: In this study, among a total of 60 participants, 68% (n=41) were male whereas the rest 32% (n=19) were female. The majority of the patients were from 50 years and above age groups which were 63.33% of the total respondent. One-third (33%) of the total study population were service holders which was the highest number from a single profession. The majority of the patients were from lower middle-classed families which were 63.33%. The highest number of participants were from peri-urban areas which were 43%. As the risk factors, smoking, DM as well as HTN were found among 65%, 12%, and 77% of patients respectively.

Conclusion: The ratio of male hemorrhagic stroke patients is higher. Although living area, economic status, and residence area may not be correlated with hemorrhagic stroke, age, the habit of smoking and HTN may arise as some potential risk factors for hemorrhagic stroke.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.6.564
Published: 2021-11-16
How to Cite
Hasan ABMK, Mandal MA, Moniruzzaman M, Shill SK, Ali MY. Sociodemographic status of hemorrhagic stroke patients: A study in a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Nov.16 [cited 2025Feb.23];8(6):490-5. Available from:
Original Research Article