• Dr. Madhureema Das Junior Resident, Department of Community Medicine All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health West Bengal
  • Dr. Aparajita Dasgupta Department of Community Medicine All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health West Bengal
Keywords: Peri and Post Menopausal Women, Wellbeing, Dietary and Lifestyle factors, Health Seeking Behavior


Introduction: Indian women in the peri and post-menopausal age group know little about the health implications of menopause or their coping strategies. This is more apparent among the marginalized and underprivileged women living in the squalor of the slums. Objectives of the Study: To identify the major health problems faced by these women, to find out their regular dietary habits and lifestyle pattern, and to assess their perceived well-being and care-seeking behavior.

Methodology: A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out in an urban slum area of Chetla, Kolkata, for a period of two months between 1st March 2014 to 30th April 2014 among women between 45 to 65 years of age group using a pre-tested, semi-structured schedule.

Result: The commonest self -reported morbidity among these women was easy fatigability(77%) while performing daily activities and muscle and joint pain(61%).Their diet mostly lacked in fruits and milk and (96%) of them lead a sedentary lifestyle. The majority perceived their health status as being “fair” and (72%) of them admitted that they do not seek any health care service until they have some overt illness.

Conclusion: Multiple childbirths, low-quality diet, sedentary lifestyle, and poor health-seeking behavior have made these women prone to various morbidities. Intensive health education and health care programmers should be planned and executed especially for peri and post-menopausal women so that they are motivated to adopt healthy dietary and lifestyle patterns and to seek health care service in time.


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How to Cite
Das M, Dasgupta A. HOW HEALTHY ARE THE WOMEN IN THE PERI AND POST MENOPAUSAL AGE: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY IN A SLUM OF KOLKATA. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Jan.20 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(1):108-14. Available from:
Original Research Article