Comparative study between FNAC and histopathology (HPR) in diagnosing thyroid swelling

  • Dr. Ram Magar Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, Dr Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Medical College and Hospital Ahmednagar
  • Dr. Rupali Magar Senior Resident Dept. of Ophthalmology, Dr Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Medical College and Hospital Ahmednagar
Keywords: FNAC, HPR


Introduction: A multitude of diagnostic tests like ultrasound, thyroid nuclear scan, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and many more are available to evaluate thyroid swelling but confirmatory diagnosis requires morphological examination of lesions by FNAC and histopathology.

Material and Method: 60 patients of thyroid swellings admitted to indoor and undergoing thyroidectomy were enrolled. Fine needle aspiration cytology was done on an outpatient basis and thyroidectomy specimens preserved in 10 % formalin were sent for a histopathology examination

Result: Out of 28 cases of colloid goiter diagnosed on FNAC, 2 cases were later diagnosed as Papillary Ca on histopathology. Out of 6 cases of Follicular adenoma diagnosed on FNAC, 2 cases were later diagnosed as Follicular Ca on histopathology. 1 case of Follicular Ca diagnosed on FNAC was later diagnosed as Follicular adenoma on histopathology

Discussion: FNAC Sensitivity was 50 %, Specificity was 98.08 %, PPV was 26.00 and NPV was 0.51

Conclusion: FNAC is a safe, cost-effective method with excellent accuracy and specificity for investigating thyroid illness


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2021.8.6.578
Published: 2021-12-24
How to Cite
Magar R, Magar R. Comparative study between FNAC and histopathology (HPR) in diagnosing thyroid swelling. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2021Dec.24 [cited 2025Mar.14];8(6):565-9. Available from:
Original Research Article