A clinicopathological study of thyroid swelling
Patients with a thyroid swelling present with a mass in the midline neck but can have a varied etiology thus posing a diagnostic challenge. Thyroid swellings are responsible for a significant cause of mortality and morbidity in India. Various benign and malignant lesions are usually found in the thyroid. The present study is done from June 2013 to August 2014. The present study is designed to study Histopathology evaluation of thyroid masses. And to study the etiopathogenesis of the thyroid mass. 24 cases of thyroid masses visiting ENT OPD were recorded. The provisional diagnosis was established and further investigations in the form of complete blood counts, Serum T3, T4 and TSH, Indirect or fibreoptic laryngoscopy, ultrasonography neck, computed tomography scanning and fine-needle aspiration cytology were done.
Thyroid lumps were more prevalent in women between the ages of 21 and 40, possibly as a result of increased estrogen predominance during pregnancy and in premenopausal women.
Females made up the majority of patients with thyroid swellings (80 percent). Although malignant thyroid growths were uncommon (20%), malignancy should be sought out in every thyroid nodule since cancers might show as well confined nodules in the thyroid.
To identify the cause of thyroid enlargement, a detailed history and thorough examination of the head, neck, and ENT examination with relevant investigations are required. It is critical to rule out malignancy in every case of thyroid enlargement, as males have a higher frequency of malignant swellings.
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