Clinico-etiologic profile of acute viral hepatitis in children presenting to tertiary care center of rural Maharashtra.

  • Chintan Patel Junior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Rural Medical College, Loni.
  • Amit Kumar Pandey Junior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Rural Medical College, Loni.
  • Prashant Nigwekar Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Rural Medical College, Loni
  • Jayashree Jadhav H.O.D. & Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Rural Medical College, Loni.
  • Runvi Patil M.B.B.S. Intern, Department of Pediatrics, Rural Medical College, Loni.
Keywords: Acute viral hepatitis, hyperbilirubinemia, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E


Background: Acute Viral hepatitis is defined as an infection of the hepatic tissue due to hepatotropic and/or non hepatotropic viruses causing hepatocellular inflammation which is a self-limiting illness usually resolving completely within 4-6 weeks of time. The clinical band of acute viral hepatitis ranges from subclinical disease to fulminant hepatic failure. We conducted this study to ascertain the Clinico- etiologic profile along with the outcome of acute viral hepatitis in children belonging to rural western Maharashtra.

Method: A retrospective observational study was conducted in department of Pediatrics after ethical approval from the institution and included children from 6 months to 12 years of age and was conducted during November 2021 and included patients admitted to Pravara Rural Hospital during October 2020 to October 2021.

A total of 28 children were clinically diagnosed with acute viral hepatitis were included in the study and data was obtained and analyzed using appropriate statistical tool.

Results: Among 28 cases 18(64.28%) were boys and 10 were girls (35.71%). Mean age group was 7.03± 2.54 years. Virology marker revealed 20 (71%) cases positive for hepatitis A(HAV), 1(3%) case positive for hepatitis E (HEV), and co-infection with HAV and HEV in 1(4%) case, no specific etiology was detected in 4(14%) cases, 1(4%) case positive for hepatitis B and hepatitis C cases were detected. Jaundice was the most common (100%) presenting complaint, followed by fever (92%), pain abdomen (85%), high colored urine (72%). Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia was detected in all (100%) the HAV, HEV positive cases, hepatic enzymes raised above 5 times of normal limit in all the HAV, HEV positive cases. INR more than 2.5 was noticed among 3 HAV positive cases (10.71%). Acute liver failure was seen in 2 children, and both the cases died after 3-4 days of PICU admission.

Conclusion: Hepatitis A is most common cause of acute viral hepatitis in pediatrics population. Hepatitis E infection leads a more severe clinical course than HAV infection.


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How to Cite
Patel C, Pandey AK, Nigwekar P, Jadhav J, Patil R. Clinico-etiologic profile of acute viral hepatitis in children presenting to tertiary care center of rural Maharashtra. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2022Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.5];9(5):293-9. Available from:
Original Research Article