Clinico-investigative profile of hypernatremia in neonates of rural western Maharashtra.

  • Sanjay Krishnan S Junior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, Loni
  • Amit Kumar Pandey Junior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, Loni
  • Bhushan Deo Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, Loni
  • Jayashree Jadhav H.O.D. & Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, Loni
Keywords: Hypernatremia, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, dehydration


Objectives: To study the Clinico-investigative profile and outcome of hypernatremia in neonates.

Methodology: Observational descriptive, longitudinal study conducted at the tertiary rural hospital from August 2021 to August 2022. All the babies with hypernatremia admitted to NICU during the above period were included in the study excluding the preterm babies presenting to our hospital for NICU care.

Results: The sex ratio of 1.3:1 was seen in our study with the majority (69%) of babies born to primigravida mothers and 58.7% of the mothers subjected to LSCS. The majority of cases were admitted on the 3rd to 5th day (mean age being 4.2 days). Feeding frequency was less than seven times a day in 91.3% of babies, which could be due to inexperience and inadequacy. 88% of the neonates with hypernatremia had more than 10% weight loss due to dehydration. Fever, lethargy, and irritability were present in the majority of the patients. CNS signs and symptoms at the time of presentation included seizures, decerebrate posturing, and retrocollis.

Conclusion: The higher occurrence, as compared to other studies was due to a combination of factors such as summer months, inadequate feeding, early presentation or detection on 3rd or 4th day of birth.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2022.9.5.621
Published: 2022-09-30
How to Cite
Krishnan S S, Pandey AK, Deo B, Jayashree Jadhav J. Clinico-investigative profile of hypernatremia in neonates of rural western Maharashtra. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2022Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.5];9(5):300-9. Available from:
Original Research Article