The impact of Covid 19 in paediatric surgical services in Dhaka Medical College Hospital; A retrospective observational study
Introduction: Since the COVID 19 declared by the WHO on March 11, 2020, all the non-essential services were affected. To control the spread of virus, the Govt of Bangladesh imposed several measures like social distancing, population lockdown, complete curtailment of public transport. The routine paediatric surgical services were declined due to scarcity unknown disease, fear of contagion, engagement of health care resources to COVID 19 patient's care.
Aim: The aim of the study to evaluate the effect of COVID 19 on the paediatric surgical services in our institution.
Material and methods: A retrospective observational study was done to analyze the changes in our out patients visit, total routine admission, total emergency admission, total routine operation, total emergency operation, total day care surgery, mortality and academic activities during the pandemic period when compared to the pre pandemic period. Data were divided in to two groups; Pre pandemic period (March 2019-February2020) and during pandemic (March2020-February2021).
Results: There were 48.4 % reduction in OPD attendance, 40.9% reduction of total admission, 55.1 % reduction of routine admission, 32.2% reduction of emergency admission, 34.2% reduction of total operation, 35% reduction of routine operation, 33.4 % reduction of emergency operation,75.2 % reduction of day case surgery, significant reduction of endo laparoscopic procedure and academic activities. Mortality rate was also affected during pandemic period.
Conclusion: The outbreak of COVID 19 has affected not only individuals with COVID 19 but also patients seeking surgical operation. Understanding the present situation helps the clinician to provide optimal surgical care.
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