Trichofolliculoma, benign hair follicle hamartoma, External Auditory Meatus
Trichofolliculoma is a benign hair follicle hamartoma. It represents differentiation of pluripotent skin cells towards hair follicles. Usually seen in the Head and Neck region; the face and scalp are the common sites. Presentation in the External Auditory Meatus is very rare. We present here a case of 19 year old female presenting with a swelling in External Auditory Meatus which turned out to be Trichofolliculoma. The case was treated with Surgical Excision. Patient has been followed up post-op. for the past 3 months with no recurrence.
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1. Tricho follicular in the External Auditory canal. Ju Young Hong; Joong Kim; Sun A Choi; and Seung Geun Yeo, Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery: Volume 57, No-12, (12/2014) – Case Report 847 – 9.
2. Trichofolliculoma: a rare variant of hair follicle hamartoma, Hilal Gokalp MD, Mehmet Ali Gurer Professor, Saadet Alan MD Dermatology Online Journal 19(8):7
3. Ishii N, Kawaguchi H, Takahashi K, Nakajima H. A case of congenital trichofolliculoma. J Dermatol. Mar 1992; 19(3):195-6. (PMID1640026).
4. Umbulicated nodule over the eyebrow. Nidhi Singh MD, Nava Kumar MBBS, Laxmisha Chandrashekar MD DNB, Devinder Mohan Thappa MD DHAMNAMS, Rakhee Kar MD, Bheemanathi Hanuman Srinigas MD. Dermatology Online Journal 19(9):12
5. Trichofolliculoma presenting as Lobulated Mass:A Rare presentation Jyotsna Naresh Bharti, Biswajit Dey, Parul Gautam, Parth Desai, and VINAY Kamal International Journal of Trichology. 2014 Jan-Mar;6(1):19-20
6. Schulz T, Hartschuh W. The Trichofolliculoma undergoes changes corresponding to the regressing normal hair follicle in its cycle. J Cutan Pathol 1998;25(7): 341- 53.PMID:9765019 [PUBMED]
7. Trichofolliculoma of Nasal vestibule: A rare case report. Pradip M, Santosh D, Gautamjit RK, Niteshore M, Nicola CL Priyoshakhi H. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences. e ISSN: 2279-0853, P. ISSN: 2279-0861: Volume 13, Issue – 7, ver IV (July 2014), PP(26-27).
8. Alexander MP, Makhija p, Jayaseelan E.Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Trichofolliculoma: a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 2007; 50:870-2.
9. Bogle MA, Cohen PR, Tschen JA. Trichofolliculoma with incidental focal acantholytic dyskeratosis. Med J. Aug 2004; 97(8) :773-5.7.
10. Cohen C, Davis TS. Multiple trichogenic adnexal tumors. Am J Dermatopathol 1986;8(3) : 241-6.
11. Recurrent Trichofolliculoma of upper eyelid margin Morton AD, Nelson CC, Headingten JT Einer VM. Ophthalmology plastic reconstructive surgery 1997, Dec;13(4): 287-8.
12. Stern JB, Stout DA. Trichofolliculoma showing perineural invasion. Trichofolliculocarcinoma? Arch Dermatol 1979;115(8):1003-4 PMID: 464613 (Pubmed)
2. Trichofolliculoma: a rare variant of hair follicle hamartoma, Hilal Gokalp MD, Mehmet Ali Gurer Professor, Saadet Alan MD Dermatology Online Journal 19(8):7
3. Ishii N, Kawaguchi H, Takahashi K, Nakajima H. A case of congenital trichofolliculoma. J Dermatol. Mar 1992; 19(3):195-6. (PMID1640026).
4. Umbulicated nodule over the eyebrow. Nidhi Singh MD, Nava Kumar MBBS, Laxmisha Chandrashekar MD DNB, Devinder Mohan Thappa MD DHAMNAMS, Rakhee Kar MD, Bheemanathi Hanuman Srinigas MD. Dermatology Online Journal 19(9):12
5. Trichofolliculoma presenting as Lobulated Mass:A Rare presentation Jyotsna Naresh Bharti, Biswajit Dey, Parul Gautam, Parth Desai, and VINAY Kamal International Journal of Trichology. 2014 Jan-Mar;6(1):19-20
6. Schulz T, Hartschuh W. The Trichofolliculoma undergoes changes corresponding to the regressing normal hair follicle in its cycle. J Cutan Pathol 1998;25(7): 341- 53.PMID:9765019 [PUBMED]
7. Trichofolliculoma of Nasal vestibule: A rare case report. Pradip M, Santosh D, Gautamjit RK, Niteshore M, Nicola CL Priyoshakhi H. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences. e ISSN: 2279-0853, P. ISSN: 2279-0861: Volume 13, Issue – 7, ver IV (July 2014), PP(26-27).
8. Alexander MP, Makhija p, Jayaseelan E.Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Trichofolliculoma: a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 2007; 50:870-2.
9. Bogle MA, Cohen PR, Tschen JA. Trichofolliculoma with incidental focal acantholytic dyskeratosis. Med J. Aug 2004; 97(8) :773-5.7.
10. Cohen C, Davis TS. Multiple trichogenic adnexal tumors. Am J Dermatopathol 1986;8(3) : 241-6.
11. Recurrent Trichofolliculoma of upper eyelid margin Morton AD, Nelson CC, Headingten JT Einer VM. Ophthalmology plastic reconstructive surgery 1997, Dec;13(4): 287-8.
12. Stern JB, Stout DA. Trichofolliculoma showing perineural invasion. Trichofolliculocarcinoma? Arch Dermatol 1979;115(8):1003-4 PMID: 464613 (Pubmed)
How to Cite
S. S, Paul VJ, Shankar R. TRICHOFOLLICULOMA OF EXTERNAL AUDITORY MEATUS: A CASE REPORT. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Mar.15 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(2):165-8. Available from:
Case Report